Cold Winter

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Chaeyeon's airplane just landed in the airport of Korea. She's finally back after spending a year in Japan to pursue her dancing career. She's only staying for a day, just to fulfill her promise to one of her close friend.

A cold winter welcomed her, the same season that bid her good bye a year ago.


Chaeyeon's POV

It's already been a year since I left Korea to pursue my dancing career in Japan, it's also been a year since I broke with my girlfriend. I wonder how she's been doing now.

"It's colder this winter than last year." I whispered to myself as I walked outside the airport.

I took a cab on the way to meet someone. I looked outside the window and saw students walking their way to school. As I saw them I can't help but remember someone.

"Someone that is precious to me."



I'm on my way to school, It's our first day today. I'm happily walking by myself when I noticed that someone is following me. I looked at my back and saw a girl walking behind me. I stopped and about to yell at her but I was shocked when she didn't stop and just walked passed me.

She's looking down while walking so fast. I thought that someone is following but I was wrong, it's just a coincidence that we're both walking on the same street.

"I'm so stupid." I hit my head as I feel embarrassed on myself.

I started walking again. And now I'm the one who looks like following her. I'm curious if we're both going at the same school. She's wearing a sweater and I can't see her uniform properly. I can't tell if we're schoolmates or not.

She stopped on the same bus station that I'm going to take. I can't help but look at her, she always have her head down. I can't really see her face.

The bus arrived and we both went inside. I sat two rows behind her. I can't help myself but take a glimpse of her, I don't know what happened but I feel attracted to her.

Finally, she raises her head to look outside the window. And now I can see the side of her face, but I'm still not satisfied with that. I badly want to see her face out of curiosity. I moved on my seat to see a better view of her.

I unconsciously tilted my head too much trying to look at her face so badly. I didn't notice that I'm being too obvious on my intention. I was startled when she suddenly turned her face towards me, making me jumped on my seat and almost fell on the floor. I tried acting innocent while trying hard to look away from her.

"You're so stupid Chaeyeon. Someone please help me." I kept repeating on myself as I began to panic. I can feel my head burning because of embarrassment.

She quickly moved back to her position. I can feel that I'm already sweating. Again I feel so embarrassed for the second time.

My heart is beating so fast. I just realized now how beautiful she is. I kept picturing on my head her pretty face. I can't explain how perfect she look like.

"I think I saw a goddess." I told my awkward self while still hearing my heart beating so loudly.

"Please, let me be your schoolmate." I kept praying on my seat while still stealing eyes on her.

The second stop is the station where we suppose to get off, only if we're attending the same school.

"Please, please, please. My goddess get off on the same station with me." I'm holding both of my hands as I feel desperate on seeing her more.

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