Warm Winter Night

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Chaeyeon's POV

The bus stopped as we arrived on the place. I finally arrived on my second destination. I have to meet someone first before buying my present.

As I went out the bus, I already see the beauty of side country. My heart feel at ease looking at the view. I can't help but close my eyes as I feel the cold breeze touching my skin.



After 2 hours of driving we finally arrived at Eunbi's grandma's house. On our way here, Sakura and I sit far away from each other. When I went inside the bus she was already sitting beside Nako, so I decided to sit beside Eunbi.

For some reason I feel awkward looking at her. After what happened last night, I still can't believe that... that she's already mine. I still feel like dreaming thinking about it.

I'm too scared to even look at her. On the whole trip I avoided looking at her. Eunbi doesn't have any clue about us. We kept talking with each other until she fell asleep on my shoulder.

I was smiling while looking at Eunbi, because she look like a kid falling asleep on me. My smile suddenly fades away when I saw Sakura staring at me.

"Otoke. Someone send help please." I thought to myself as I gulped and bit my lips. I forgot that I already have girlfriend and she's just few inches far from me.

I was too nervous looking back at Sakura. I don't know what to do.

"Is she getting mad right now? Is she getting jealous? I don't know." I thought to my nervous self.

I slowly pushed Eunbi's head away from my shoulder. I succeeded removing her head on my shoulder but she quickly put it back. I checked on Sakura if she's still looking at our direction, and yes she's still looking at us.

"What should I do." I muttered.

I carefully moved Eunbi's head again out of my shoulder. Her head is so heavy, I really feel bad moving it but I'm more than scared of my girlfriend. I don't want her to misunderstood anything.

I slowly pushed Eunbi's head away from me the second time. But the bus suddenly stopped making her head hit the window. It's not that bad but she woke up from the impact.

"Awwwww!" She screamed.

"Oh my Eunbi! Are you okay?!" I was shocked and worriedly asked.

"I'm okay, I was just shocked." She replied.

"I'm sorry Eunbi." I held her head and massaged it.

"It's okay Chaeyeon. Thank you." She smiled at me and went back to sleep.

She went back to sleep. Yes she went back to sleep on my shoulder again. I just sighed and just let her sleep peacefully.

I looked at Sakura again. I want to give her an apologizing look but I was surprised when I saw her smiling at me. I got confused for a second. She smiled at me and then gave me a silly silent laugh.

"Gosh! She's so cute!" I thought to myself while feeling awkward again.

I think she's just playing around. She was never jealous and just making fun at me. I feel stupid again. I quickly took my eyes away from her. I feel blushing right now because of embarrassment. I didn't dare to look at her again and just stared outside the window.

We finally arrived on our destination. We all went out the bus and was mesmerized at the view of the side country. The place looks so peaceful and quiet. We walked for 10 minutes before we reached Eunbi's grandma's house. It was an old house but really spacious.

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