"How can she let go of Kihyun?" That's what I've heard from the other girls around me.

"Don't mind them" Wonho said "we both know the truth" he added. The both of us went to the stage together.

"So the fun will begin now" the Mc said. The pageant just started where we have to have a runaway walk together with our partners. Next category is the chemistry section. Where we have to do the pepero challenge.

"You okay with this?" Wonho asked me and I nodded since I notice that Kihyun looks like he's not hesitating to do it with Alyssa.

Wonho gave me a nod before placing the pepero stick between us. I bit the end of the pepero stick and he bit the other end. He gradually came near at me biting the pepero stick until it became short and our lips almost touch, if he take another bite our will touch. Then he finally stopped leaving the small piece of pepero on my lips.

"Now it's Kihyun and Alyssa's turn" the MC announced.

Alyssa grabbed the pepero stick and stick it on her lips waiting for Kihyun to take the other end. I look over Kihyun to see if he's going to take it. And yeah he took it. He gradually came near at Alyssa, he even grabbed the back of Alyssa's head until their lips is just inch apart and making the crowd go crazy. It hurts a lot. Why so I even let of Kihyun? I hate myself for breaking up with Kihyun just because of Alyssa's threat.The game seems like it about to end and its already time for the announcing of the winner.

"This year's Chemistry couple is couple number........." The MC announced "it is couple #1?" The crowd became crazy. "Couple #2?"

"Couple #3?"

"Couple #4?" Almost all of the crowds are shouting at them.

"Couple #5?" Crowds are still shouting but the previous one are louder.

"The Chemistry couple is Couple number four!!!!" The MC announced and the crowds went really crazy. The Confetti's are falling from above and the girl from the winning couple was given a bouquet of red roses.

"And now! The winning couple will gave their partner a kiss" the MC said. My heart beats faster I don't know if I can take it once he kiss Alyssa in front of me. I know I'm overacting about him kissing Alyssa but it really makes me jealous.

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