Chapter 41

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Today is weekend and Kihyun asked me to go out for today, means were having our date. Well months have passed and we already dating for about 1 year and 3 months.

From: Kihyun
Good morning Baby😳💞 Did you sleep well last night??? Remember we have a date for the whole day today I'm going to be with you 24/7...want me to come over and make you breakfast???

From: Jin Hee
Good Morning Babe😘 Can you??? I mean if you can then come over let's have breakfast together.

From: Kihyun
I can for there in a minute...see yah😘💞

I got up from my bed and went downstairs and went to the bathroom. Brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back upstairs to change my PJs. I grab my shorts and my enlarge shirt and went downstairs to wait for Kihyun. Then my phone rang.


"open the door babe" Kihyun said from the other line that made me excited. I run towards the front door and open it seeing Kihyun standing there with a bright smile on his face.

I quickly crashed myself to him and hug him tightly making him loose him balance making us spin around until Kihyun fall down the floor and I landed in top of him.

"Did you really miss me that much???" He asked

"No, not much I'm just really excited!" I said and gave him a bright smile

Then he lift me up and carried me all the way to the kitchen and put me down on the counter.

"Wait here sweetie I'll cook our breakfast" he said and planted a kiss on my forehead.

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