While we are walking I felt Kihyun's hand interlock with mine. "You're so beautiful babe" he whispered at me. Then he pulled me to stop. Kihyun tucked a flower on my ear.

"Ah, yeah I have something for you" he said and went behind me. Then I felt something around my neck, it was a necklace with a rose pendant with a K initial beside. "K is for Kihyun, this means you're mine" Kihyun said and kiss me on my cheeks. And I was blushing

"Come on" he chuckled once he saw me blushing, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the clubhouse to follow the others.

"Took you guys so long? Did you guys go for a quick fuck?" Wonho asked.

"No....cause my dick is calm" Kihyun replied "and shut the fvck up dude"

"You guys should keep an eye on Wonho....cause when he's gone...I'm sure that he's out to make some babies out there" Kihyun said and they all just laughed it out.

"Well that's how you deal with bitches" Wonho said. They just ignored what he said and they make the table.

They're enjoying the night so do I. They keep on talking some random shits about themselves.

"Yah....up for a dance??" Shannon asked. Minkyung agreed and they are looking at me. I look over Kihyun but he's not saying a thing he just look at me seriously ..THAT MEAN NO.

"come on dude, let our girls enjoy" Changkyun said.

"But look at them....look at what they're wearing and look at their face they're beautiful...what I want to say is there's a huge possibility that a random guy will approach them" Kihyun said.

"Geez...dude....we know our girls they won't do something stupid" Hyungwon said before taking a shot.

"Yes...we already know who we belong to" Shannon said. Then Kihyun look at me that looks like he's asking me if what Shannon said is true.

"I'm already yours so no need to think things like that" I said.

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