"Oh I see, I must buttoned my polo before you do something on me" he teased and his signature smirk appeared on his face. "Or you want me to button my polo because you want you're the only one who allowed to see my body"

I just watched him button his polo. Then he grabbed his necktie and look up at me.

"What?!" I asked

"Why are you looking at me?" He said

"I'm just waiting for you to finished so we can attend the class soon" I said

"Come on just forget the necktie" he said as he threw the necktie at the back seat.

"Now I get it why you went to school with a necktie not properly tied" I gave him a smile before unbuckling my sit belt and reach the necktie at the back seat.

I went near at him and wrapped it around his neck and tying it properly. "Done" I said and look up at him. I saw him looking directly at me then his eyes went down to my lips.

I pulled away from him. Then I felt him grabbed my wrist and pulled me into a kiss. He unbuckled his sit belt and pushed me back against my seat deepening the kiss. His kisses went down to my neck sucking and biting it. Then he pulled away.

"Get on the back baby" he said in a low voice. I did what he told me so I went to the back seat.

He open the box and search for something. Then he faced me while he's was biting a foil. I think its a condom. I obey him and get on the back seat. He was about to follow me when someone knocked on the window. It was Mrs. Kang the guidance councilor. Thank god Kihyun's window is tinted.

Kihyun look back at me and signed me to get down. He fixed everything inside his car leaving no evidence that I'm with him before rolling the window down.

"Umm....Mr. Yoo can you explain why are you still here inside your car when it's already time and you have classes to go?" Mrs. Kang said

"Oh? Yeah... I'm just fixing myself I'll go to class as soon as I finished fixing my uniform" Kihyun said

"I'll go ahead now. But make sure you'll attend your class" Mrs. Kang said and Kihyun nodded before Mrs Kang left.

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