Karma's eyes widened as he threw the other guy down, his vision filling with red when he grabbed Nagisa's hand. His tunnel-vision activated automatically and with the sight of Nagisa being grabbed by some delinquent, he sharply yanked him, shoving him towards a wall.

He could vaguely hear someone calling his name but it didn't matter as he started punching the random dude blow by blow. His anger had already overtaken his body, causing him to ruthlessly beat him even though the older boy begged him to stop.

He could hear the satisfying crunch of his bones under his fist, grinning maniacally when something warm and red painted his fist. He deserved it, Karma thought in the period of his madness, a grin tugged on his face almost naturally. That's what he got for touching his omega.

Just when he was poised for another blow, another body captured him from his back, most likely to stop him. He snarled viciously at the attempt, his fist hitting the smaller body and a sharp cry of pain suddenly snapped him out of his rage.

Wasn't that..

Abandoning his previous target, he twisted around, his eyes widening in horror when he was met with Nagisa clutching his cheek rather than the older boy who he was actually aiming to hit.

"I-uh..." He somehow managed to stutter, throwing the guy off himself. The pang of guilt only aggrandized when the blue head opened his mouth, wincing at the pain.

"S'okay." Nagisa said, recoiling at the pain that followed after his reckless movement. That didn't ease Karma's discomfort or guilt even though he was normally okay with hurting people.

Swallowing his discomfort, Karma neared Nagisa's form, flinching at the reddish-blue bruise that was blooming on his cheek. He'd done that, he was sure that he would never forgive himself when..

"Karma, 'S okay seriously." Nagisa reassured, making the red head face him. "See? The bruise will heal itself, it's alright,"

Smiling softly when the red head looked away, Nagisa took out a napkin, taking Karma's hand in his own. "You still haven't changed a bit since our elementary school days, have you?" He said softly, dabbing at the bruises and wounds that were making themselves known when the cloth touched his knuckles.

He hissed at the pain when the disinfectant was also added, warm hands gripping his own to clean the wounds properly. When his eyes drifted towards the blue head who was focused on cleaning the bruises and some minor cuts, he noticed a tiny fond smile with equal exasperation to the ratio.

"Sorry 'bout that." Karma apologized again when he couldn't take the constricting feeling of guilt coil in his gut.

Nagisa blinked before throwing the napkin inside the waste bin, "Ah..it's okay. It's your instinct speaking so I couldn't really blame you for the attack." He fished out another napkin with an exasperatedly fond look, "But please don't do that again. I was worried, you know?"

Karma felt his mood instantly sour when Nagisa started to clean his victims' blood. "Why are you helping them?" He complained, watching the blue head wipe their bloody face.

Nagisa raised his brow, "They'll get infected if they stay here like this." They were in an alleyway with trashcans and waste at the sideways, so Nagisa was just being sensible here.

"Eh but they just tried to mug us." Karma tried to argue but then he asked a weird question. "Tell me, wouldn't you fight back if I wasn't here?"

His administration stopped momentarily as if he was contemplating something, followed by an empty and wry chuckle.

"Me, fight? I don't think I can. I'd be too scared to.." Nagisa cleaned their bruises, throwing the blood soaked tissues in the bin.

His oceanic gaze hardened in a way that Karma had never seen before, "I mean if my life depended on it." A normal smile appeared on his face swiftly after the hardening of his stare had vanished.

Fates Intertwined (Karmagisa)Where stories live. Discover now