☆~The cliff~☆

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The cliff split into halves with no boulders budging. The sea slowly heaved into the ominous cavern.
The event occurred in the early afternoon right after a relentless storm hit the East-coast of London-Colchester.
There were several casualties and many injuries. A young lad named Caleb Trefford had been washed out to sea with his dad after they had been fishing. The cold rain and damp atmosphere had ticked the Trefford's off quite a bit. The stayed on the vessel for the night. Caleb woke up stranded on the Colchester beach to find his father passed out at the minibar

 Caleb woke up stranded on the Colchester beach to find his father passed out at the minibar

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The earth around them was muddy and soggy,everywhere a mixture of mud and sand. Caleb carefully treaded onto the gritty deck. He noticed something peculiar. There was a colossal mountain-like cliff layed verticaly in front of him. No less than 200 feet tall.
Caleb dreaded through the desert of slop to inspect the appearence,the wall between him and home.
No way around it only over.
He approached this border an placed his hand on a solid wall of rocks and barnicles. A whisp of cold air blew through his short brown tipped brunette hair.
His prismarine-blue eyes closed.
These words flew out his cold mouth.
The ground shook,tide dropped drastically and a cavern was opened.
Caleb entered the cavern with hopes to return to his father.
He was about 50 feet in when the water came rushing towards him from behind. The water level in the cavern raised to the ceiling he took his last breath swimming deeper into the cavern when he reached an airpocket which repelled the oncoming tidal wave.
There was a miniscule pool wich simmered with aquamarine-metallic
Bubbles. It was Luke warm and he had no other option.
Caleb lowered himself into the pool when he got yanked by an incredible current.
He was taken to another...

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