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Guys...I'm so sorry. I haven't updated in like.... three months and I'm sorry. I've had MAJOR writers block and schools been exhausting...but I'm back with an update and I hope you enjoy!

    The tea kettle whistled; a thick cloud of steam covered the room. Poppy got up from the bed and sluggishly walked to the stove. She scooped some of the tea Popcorn gave her into a mug. Then continued preparing the drink; half asleep.

   The mug was warm and woke her up a bit. Poppy sat back down on the bed, her heavy eyelids slowly falling then springing awake. She hadn't been sleeping well the past few days.

    Sometimes she just wasn't tired, other times it was because her friends were preforming her queenly duties for her. While she just lied there, useless. Sometimes she couldn't fall asleep because every muscle and bone in her body hurt and ached. It was at those times she missed Branch the most. And that was the most common reason of all. Poppy couldn't sleep, not since Branch left.

   She couldn't help but feel upset with herself for acting the way she did that day. Why did she act that way? So cruel and heartless to the person she had given her heart to.
She knew why. She always knew.


    "Branch I'm sooo tiiiired" Butterfly wailed.

He rolled his eyes, "could you get any more annoying?" He mumbled.

"Yes. I definitely could, just answer the question".

"You didn't ask me anything" he said through gritted teeth.

"Uhhhhg, you know what I mean. Are we there yet?".

"Almost" Sparkles butt in.

"Thank god!" Butterfly remained quiet for the rest of the time.

   They walked in silence. Through fields and forests, up hills and over bridges. After they got to the top of a particular hill, there it was...

    The city stood out against the countryside around it. There weren't any pods, instead tall buildings reaching up to the sky. The whole thing was shiny and eye catching, leaving them gaping at it all.

   "It's so pretty!" Butterfly exclaimed.

    "It's breathtaking" Sparkles added.

   "It's so big" Branch began, "how the hell are we going to find one troll in all this??" He waved his arms at the city.

   "Oh hush. We mind as well look around a bit" Sparkles replied.

   "Yeah, she's right, let's go!" Butterfly grabbed the siblings hands and rushed down to the civilization below.

    Branch was right, the city was HUGE. The towers were even bigger up close. The streets were crowded with loads of other trolls, and beetles, snails, and other critters roamed around; used as some sort of transportation. Trollburg was very different from Troll Village.

    "How do you think we're gonna find this...medium Popcorn was talking about" Branch said.

   The three of them were walking the sidewalk peering into store windows and gazing at all the items and food for sale.

     "Hey I thought we were going exploring" Butterfly whined.

    "They'll be plenty of time for that later" Sparkles replied, "Branch is right, we should focus on the task at hand".

    "But you said...woah" She stopped, starting at a shop window, "guys...".

    Her friends turned around and stood with Butterfly at the window.
A sign was painted on it in big purple letters. It read: Skies- Spells, Potions, and palm readings.

"If a freaky, physic, ghost lady were anywhere, this is probably the place".

    Sorry if it's a bit short. I tried my best. Also thank you all so much for 2k reads! Hopefully new updates soon. Love you guys!




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