I have to go

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   Branch stirred in his sleep. A light was turned on inside the pod. He could hear the sound of gagging from another room.

   Branch rubbed his eyes as he sat up in bed. "Poppy...." he walked towards the bathroom. Poppy was hunched over the toilet throwing up, again. "Pops are you ok?".

No response.


Still vomiting.

"Poppy do you need a doctor".

"No! Wait" she finally said.... she gagged once more then continued, "I'm fine...I promise. Could you get me a glass of water".

   Branch stood there for a second looking a frazzled Poppy then nodded and left the bathroom. He came back with a glass in his hand and gave it to her, "thank you" she said.

  Branch sat across from her on the restroom floor, "Are you sure your fine Poppy? You seem really sick".

"Branch I told you I'm.....huh I don't even know. Maybe we should get the doctor".

  Branch grabbed her hand, "I'll make an appointment with Dr. Moonbloom tomorrow. Don't worry we'll take care of it" He planted a kiss on her head, "you should get back to bed".

   Poppy finished her water then set the cup on the vanity and let Branch help her back to bed.


   Branch awoke that morning to find Poppy missing, "I swear if she's puking again" he mumbled. Sitting up he noticed her scrapbook on the foot of the bed.

   As soon as he opened it a felt cutout of Poppy popped up, "Good morning Branchie! Sorry I had to run but, waiting for you was not so fun. I went to Chenille and Satins for dress fitting and to home I'll soon be getting. It's not your fault your such a bore, by the way, I don't feel sick anymore" the book sang while a series of pictures and glitter appeared on the pages.

   Branch sighed. He couldn't believe her. There was no way she was better after all that. She was overworking herself and he was calling the doctor weather Poppy wanted him to or not.


"Oooooooo! We've been wanting to do this forever!" The twins said in sync.

"Uhh I know! Me too!" Poppy agreed.

"We have so many ideas" Chenille said.

"To show you!" Satin finished.

"And I can't wait to see them!" Poppy squealed.

"This way !" They said together.

   Their pod was cluttered with fabric and sewing supplies. Some clothes and other pieces were on display

  The three sat together at the table in the middle of the fashionistas pod. Satin pulled a stack a papers out from under it, "Now we were thinking maybe one out of these three designs" Satin spread the pieces of paper out on the table, "but we thought you should choose which one" Chenille continued.

  Poppy scanned the dress designs. One had a long wavy skirt with sleeves that showed off the shoulders, the other mid-length with a very flowery, petal-like skirt, and the last one had lace sleeves with a long train. All of them white with matching accessories and head pieces. They were all wonderful and Poppy could imagine wearing any of them.

"Hmmm....there all beautiful guys" she said.

"Why thank you" Satin aloofly said.

"But...I need some time to think about it".

"Of course!" Chenille said.

"Take your time" Satin added.


The girls turned to see Branch in the doorway, "hey Satin, Chenille. Poppy can I talk to you for a second".

"I'll be right back" Poppy stood and walk outside, "Branch, what are you doing here? Didn't you get my scrapbook message?!".

   The first thing Branch noticed was Poppy's colors were still grey and became more worried, "Why'd you leave your pod? I said the doctor was coming today. You should be resting!" He complained.

"I have things to do, Branch. I can't wait around. Not when there's so-" Poppy clutched her stomach.

"Oh my god! Poppy, are you hurt?" Branch panicked.

"Is everything ok?" The twins walked outside to see Poppy in pain.

"I'm sorry guys I've got to go" Poppy grunted.

"Wait!" The two ran and came back with the designs, "here Branch, take these".

"Thank you, we'll see ya later" Branch took the papers.

"Hope you"
"Feel better" the twins said.

Poppy gave a slight wave as Branch led her home.

Updates tomorrow!✌️

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