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Whoop whoop! An update!

"Did you notice that?" Butterfly said once Poppy was out of earshot.

"You mean the fact that she still doesn't have a bump? I know, I swear it's a prank-"

"No, Popcorn, she's grey. Like, only grey".

"Oh, well, yeah. Give her a break her dad died only a couple weeks ago".

"I know but it's just...odd. I mean it's Poppy".

"I thought you said you weren't worried about it".

"Yeah, but that was right after the funeral. Now it's been awhile wouldn't you think she'd be a little bit better".

"Don't give yourself a headache. Come on, I wanna see if we're being pranked" Popcorn grabbed her friend by the arm.

"Where are we going?"

"To spy on Poppy, duh"

"I thought I was supposed to be the stalker".

"We're not stalkers we're committed fans, remember?".

And with that they sped off after the Queen.


"Branch I'm home!" Poppy called out as she waltzed into her home.

Branch came running from out of nowhere and slightly slip on the slightly fuzzy floor. "I'm here! What's wrong?!"

"Nothing is wrong, Branch" Poppy said walking over to him, "but...." she wrapped her arms around his neck. He grinned as they touched foreheads.

(Ughhhhhhhhhhhh! I hate this! Romance is SO not my thing.......)

" the two biggest fangirls of our relationship know we're pregnant" Poppy said chirpily letting go and walking to the other side of the room.

"Oh...oh, that's great!" Branch responded following her, confused, "so your more open to talking about. That's good, that's good-".

"No! No, Branch! It's not!" Poppy exploded, "if Butterfly knows, the entire village will know by tomorrow!".

Branch was very confused now. Why was Poppy acting like this? He thought she'd be excited to tell the village about their child.

"Well what's so wrong with that?" He finally said.


   The room was covered in a thick silence and Branch stared at his fiancée, very confused and very hurt. Was she embarrassed by him?

"I'm sorry" she stood up, walked to the bathroom, and locked the door.


"What's happening?!" Butterfly whispered.

"It's not important" Popcorn said taking her ear off the outer side of the wall, "Come on let's go" she said sounding oddly upset. Popcorn started walking away.


No answer

"Popcorn Wait!"

Is this a cliffhanger?? I'm pretty sure it is...welp sorry make sure you keep reading! Luv you guys!

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