Chapter 37: The Unveiling

Start from the beginning

Mike's green eyes grew glossy the moment they fell on Aunt Wendy, his face losing its color. In a few slow steps, he reached her side timidly, almost unable to believe his eyes. "Wen," he whispered, his voice dripping with emotions that were cracking his usually strong voice. "Mi amor (My love)." His trembling hands reached up and cradled her face softly as if his touch would shatter her. A tear toppled over his lid and splashed on her cheek. "Te he extrañado mucho (I've missed you so much)." Laying his forehead against hers, he basked in her presence and let out a sigh of extreme relief as if he could finally breathe again.

I pursed my lips tightly to hold back my own tears while watching him press a gentle kiss beside her mouth.

          "The fluid Astor injected into her wasn't poison like he said. It was a drug that lowered her heart rate to the point we couldn't find her pulse ourselves. After you guys left, I had called 9-1-1 and the paramedics found a heartbeat. She was taken to the hospital, but the trauma slipped her into a coma she still hasn't woken up from. I was scared after what happened and I didn't want to put her or Ashton through it, so I kept her a secret."

Mike retracted his hands from Aunt Wendy's face and straightened his posture to look at me. "I got married, Arie." The words were forced out harshly through his teeth as he frustratedly wiped his tears. "It hasn't even been two months. And Val is on her way here as we speak."

"I know," I mumbled, my lips quivering to see his cheeks burn a shade of red. "Aunt Wendy would've wanted you to move on. You said it yourself. Centering your life around someone who may never wake up isn't living life."

"Arie." Mike's voice turned hard and firm as he glared at me fiercely, rage burning in his green irises. "I really don't want to lose my temper on you, so I will say this as politely as I can to the best of my ability." With a malicious step in my direction, he gritted his teeth and spat, "I don't want to fucking see you. Leave!"

I stood there for a second too long before exiting the room and closing the door behind me. Extreme sadness overcame my entire body and broke my resolve. His anger was justified, but I had to do it.

A minute or so of standing still like a statue, I realized Leo was nowhere to be seen. He had probably slipped out when I was explaining how Aunt Wendy survived. Gathering my thoughts and composing myself, I walked back downstairs and toward Alon's room. I couldn't help but groan to see the male members of Leo's family standing outside the room.

"You're coming with me." Gus was busy ordering Sophie around who was the least bit amused by his presence. "You can bring the husky along if you want."

"It's not a husky. He's a German Shepard and a Norwegian Elkhound mix," Soph quipped and rolled her eyes. "And a dog like you is in no position to bark orders at me."

I diverted my attention from their banter and looked at Federigo who stopped his hushed conversation with Leo and looked at me condescendingly. "And to say I was on your side," the older man clicked his tongue whilst shaking his head disappointingly. "Your courage is admirable, but it was a bad choice you made."

"Out of all the shit you guys do, you're judging me?" I clenched my jaw in vexation. "I made a decision as a mother and I stand by it."

Leo turned away from his father and faced me with anger still prominent in his eyes. "Walk with me," he ordered and strode past me, leaving no room for me to defy him. One way or another, he'd get his way, so I complied and followed him into a vacant room. Verona was already present and sitting on a single sofa. A fierce shade of red had encapsulated her cheeks and nose as tears relentlessly crawled out of her terrified eyes.

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