Chapter 121 The others

Start from the beginning

Osira:Did you hear a rumbling upon entry coming from somewhere near the center.

Lylat:Now that you mention it.....yeah! I def did!

Ash:def did is horrible englis...

Osira:Now whatever is causing that rumbling has to be causing those disturbances and moving those things...if you could somehow reach would probably be saved.


Osira:Never seen it tested before.



She flips her arm towards and thing moving with growth sprouted out of its head and bullet wounds.

Osira:Thats an ivara.

Lylat:Your the girl from earlier!

It just shambles towards her.

Lylat:Shit...shit shit shit!

The transmission cuts

Ash:Hey! .

Osira:Well thats another soul lost to infested.

Ash:Oh I guess I should tell you...leten has been slain.

Osira:What? By whom?

Ash:I did it.


She stares at me in disbelief.

Ash:Its how I lost my arms. I shot him with a beam so strong they exploded.

Osira:well..Whatever you say. I dont know if I fully believe you.

Ash:He seemed pretty dead to be honest.

Osira:The ai really intends on keeping us here until he wakes u..


Ash:That sounded like stalker!

Osira:A day early? Are these ai's assumptions off?

We hurry into the room and see titania already inside.

Stalker:Where...where am I..?

The ai teleports in.

???:Ah your awake.


He balls up his hands.

Stalker:Your a ai.

???:Yes but im not with dera.


Stalker stands up and seems to notice me and osira.

Ash:Hey stalker.

Stalker:Whats going on here..

???:I confiscated your swo..

Stalker forms his war in his hand.

Stalker/hunhow:You will never seperate us machine.


Stalker/hunhow:Ash have you joined them?

Ash:No we all got "saved" by her.

Osira:She said she found you knocked out...

The others seem to be afraid of him. Except for the ai.

???:Found you with these in your body.

She forms the green needle she showed us.

Stalker:hnh...the hunters. They attacked me after taking out aegis.

Ash:Aegis? Was that the ash?

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