Chapter 1

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*Louis's p.o.v*

"She's replied!" Harry runs into our living room. Our. Since Niall and Liam's wedding Harry and I have brought a house together and things have never been better. Harry had no grief off Charlie, which we were all shocked at, but he's probably found some other poor person to abuse, Harry didn't want to press any charges because it would mean seeing him more and he'd probably lie his way out of it. Our little house was a three bedroom, two good sized bedrooms then a box room which is used as my writing room as I'd taken up song writing as a career. Harry he works in a office doing financial services, he's basically Chandler from friends, I don't really know what his job is.

"Hey, you listening to me?" Harry says showing me his phone I look at the screen it reads Stacey's name I look at him before reading the message he is smiling brightly "she says that she's well, and that she thinks she is ready to come and visit us!" Harry bursts with excitement "she's coming home!" He envelopes me in a hug I wrap my arms around him and kiss his cheek

"After 6 and a half years" I sigh "she's never been one for being dramatic" I laugh "I wonder who she gets that from?" I bite my lip looking at Harry he playfully taps my cheek shaking his head

"It's the first time shes messaged me since leaving. Did it really take 6 and a half years to get over finding out about me and Liam?" He asks me

"Well it took me 6 years to remember you" I laugh Harry turns to face me straddling my lap he moves closer his forehead resting on mine

"I'm glad it wasn't any longer, I'd probably have ended up marrying that dick" Harry sighs "I've always regretted walking away from you that day... Always had the feeling that what if you remembered me the day after I walked out. Then when we were at Liam and Niall's place and I ran into you that confirmed to me that I never got over you, I'm glad that you eventually remembered" Harry says playing with my hair "I never want to let go of you ever again" he plants a kiss on my forehead

"I'm gald that I remembered you, and that it wasn't too late" I say knowing if it had been a year or so later Harry would have been a married man, but he wouldn't have been happy and that worried me, it hurts to know that, that horrible vile man hurt my baby.

Harry smiles I know he is still finding it hard, he's not the same as he was the first time we were together. He's more reserved, he always asks if he can do things such as going out to meet Liam, he sometimes flinches when I try to hold his hand. He wakes up in cold sweats in the night, panicked and terrified shouting. It scares me to think what he's been through, he hasn't told me much about it because as I guess it's probably like reliving it all. "So shall I tell her we are free whenever?" Harry asks me he says excitedly

"It's up to you love, I'm fine with when ever you choose" I smile it's been almost 7 years since we have both seen Stacey, we were 16 when she left and now we will both be 23

"She's going to have changed so much. She probably thinks that I'm with Charlie as I had sent her a wedding invitation, in hope that she would come" he says standing up he walks over to the Mantelpiece and looks at a picture of him and Stacey "she's not going to be my little girl anymore, she's going to be a adult, I missed out on so much with her, what if she's married? Or has a child? I've missed out on so much Louis" he runs his finger over Stacey's face I walk up behind him and place my hands on his waist to which he flinches and brushes my hands a way "don't touch me!" He shouts he turns around and sees it's me his eyes fill with tears "I'm sorry" he falls into me placing his head on my shoulder "I'm sorry" he repeats himself

I kiss his ear and mumble into it "it's alright, he's gone he won't ever touch you again, I promise. I'm here" he relaxes into my touch "I love you Haz" he pulls away I bring my hands up to his face to wipe away the tears tuning down his face "your handsome even with a tear stained face" I peck his lips

"What if she still hates me Lou? What if she's changed so much I don't recognize her?" Harry says looking me in the eyes 

"You recognized me after 6 years I'm sure you'll recognise your own daughter after years" I tell him "you know it will me strange as I'll be step dad to my ex girlfriend" I go off on alittle tangent making Harry laugh

"Now that will be strange, it's probably something that if you told me that this was going to happen almost 7 years ago I'd laughed straight in your face. But I don't regret anything not about starting this relationship with you all those years ago" Harry smiles "anyway I better message her back" he says pulling his phone oufb of his pocket and typing a message

"What have you put?" I ask him out of curiosity

He smiles before saying "were free anytime if you want to visit even got a spare bedroom" I wrap him in a cuddle "my baby girl is finally coming home"

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