The interview

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I was always a loner since I was like 13 years old. I came from a big family. I am the second youngest in a family of seven. I was raised on a farm. We all were, but I was the first to leave the farm and the small town we grew up in to move to the big city. I wanted something different and new than running a farm or working on it, so I pursued a degree in business.

Of course, I got it after five years, and now I am applying for a position in one of the biggest business places out of business places. I was thinking about working my way to the top, but I thought, What the heck, I am just going to go for it. Go for the biggest business, and as soon as I got the news that there was an opening, I went for it, even if it wasn't in the department that I was hoping for.

I greeted the woman at the front desk and got on the elevator. I pressed the button that would take me to the top floor. I got off once the elevator doors opened on the top floor.

I stood in front of the closing elevator because I was surprised to see how many people there were. I mean, there were so many women here for the position of assistant. I have never seen so many women turn up for a single interview before in my life.

They were all dressed to impress the person hiring, and I looked out of place. In my simple business attire, I was wearing a black pencil skirt and a white blouse with black three-inch heels. How can I compete with all the well-dressed and beautiful women? I don't have a chance of getting this job.

"Name?" Someone asked from beside me.

I was so focused on my slim chance of landing this job that I didn't realize that someone was standing beside me and asking me my name. "Huh?" I breathe unconsciously.

"I asked for your name." She repeated, sounding bored now.

"What's the point? I won't get the job anyway. I was just about to leave, but thank you." I said, looking at a tired girl standing in front of me.

"You don't know that. You haven't even been in the room yet. You should try, because I don't think none of these bimbos would get it anyway." She said it out loud, turning heads in our direction. They all glared at the two of us and turned around when they had all given the two of us the dirtiest look.

I was shocked. She was so bold to say that, with so many of them in the room. What if they all took the insult to heart and decided to attack?

"Don't look so shocked, honey. Most of these women here are only here for one thing, and it sure ain't for the job." She still wasn't whispering, and I was afraid for her and myself since she was talking beside me. I could get into trouble just standing by her.

The women near us were looking at us now, and it was not a pleasant look. Now the space was buzzing with whispers and laughter. I could hear what some of them were saying.

And who is she?

I can't believe she came here looking like that.

He would never hire someone like that, not when she looks like that.

She doesn't stand a chance.

Why doesn't she crawl back into the gutter she came from?

What is she wearing?

They were all talking and laughing at me, and I was standing right there. I know I don't look like someone straight from the magazine, but I have never thought of myself as ugly until now. These women sure know how to step on someone little confident like it's nothing.

If I wasn't a grownup now, I think I would run off this room crying, like in my teenage years when someone said something to mean to handle. That didn't mean I didn't want to do that now, but I don't want to show these women that I am weak.

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