Why are you stalking me?

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Since the house was invaded by an asshole and everywhere I turn, I see his smug face mocking me, I decided to go on a walk in the nearby woods to clear my head. Without thinking much about where I was going, my feet took me to a place I visit quite often. I stood there, overlooking the small river, tall canopy trees, and a small clearing.

One thing I missed about my hometown was this: the fresh air, the quiet sound of nature, and my getaway area. I took a deep breath of fresh air, filling my lungs, and slowly exhaled. I admire the beautiful scene for a minute before I run off the hill, taking off my shoes at the base, and walk towards the small river. I sat down on the bank of the river and put my feet into the water. It was a bit chilly, but I got used to the cold water running on my foot.

I sighed, my shoulders sloughing, and my muscles were less tense. I haven't been this relaxed since I left home to pursue my dream. With the river water flowing over my feet, so do memories of my childhood and my teenage years. I leaned back with my hands supporting me, my head up in the sky, looking at the light blue sky, and then I closed my eyes. In that moment, all my worries disappeared into nothingness, and all I felt was home.

I don't know how long I was out here, enjoying the silence and inhaling the crisp breeze. I wish I could stay like this for the rest of my life, because this is my peace. But life is never like that, and it never gives you what you want, and it never will. My serene moment was interrupted by the rustling of dried leaves and footsteps. Who could that be? No one comes here but me. The footsteps stopped, but I denied the person my attention, and I continued to stay in the same position.

"Do you plan on staying out here until nightfall?" The voice was questioned. I ignored him. Why did it have to be him to come and find me? And why is he out here? "Aren't you afraid of the animals in the woods?" Ignoring him didn't stop him from asking a next question or from walking closer towards me.

If there's any animal out here, it would be you. I thought. He is stalking and hunting me down wherever I go, and no matter how I try to hide, he will always find me. He is such a predator, stalking its prey and waiting for that one moment when the prey is inattentative to sink its razor-sharp teeth into it. Luckily, I am not prey.

"It's quiet out here," he commented.

"It was until you came," I remarked. The tranquility that I was in is now gone; even the water has lost its effect.

"Are you always this moody?" he asked. I sighed, taking my feet out of the water now that the moment was all over because it was ruined by a certain someone that I would love to push into it. I shake my feet to get off the excess water before putting on my shoes. When I got up from the riverbanks, I brushed off the dust and leaves from my buttocks and legs. I started walking in the direction of the house.

"Harmony," he called out to me. "I would like to talk to you," he said. I still ignored him and continued to walk. "Harmony," he said my name again in that deep voice of his. When I didn't stop walking, he grabbed my wrist. I looked at his hand, holding onto my wrist. My eyes traveling up to his face, I glared at him, but he didn't let go.

"Why are you following me, uh?" I asked, flashing my hands out of his.

"I'm not following you; I just came out for a walk, and then I saw you," he replied, the hand that was holding onto me dropping to his side.

"Then what are you doing here?" I stressed the here. He didn't answer. "Are you stalking? Why are you stalking me? What ego couldn't take the bruise? I scoffed, folding my arms.

"I'm not stalking you," he declared, his chin up in the air. He has no shame. He traveled from New York, cooked up some crazy stories, and told my mother. "I came here for business," he said with a serious face. I looked around me. What type of business would cause a dignified man to come looking for business in the woods?

"Out here, well, you're a good businessman; they say anything you touch can skyrocket to the top and become the number one business, so it's not impossible that you can't turn this forested area into a blooming business." He frowned, seeing that I wasn't taking him seriously.

"Could you stop being sarcastic? I'm serious. I'm here for business, to offer you a business deal," he said nonchalantly, placing his hands in his pockets.

"Really?" I got a little excited, but then I remembered who was standing in front of me. I cleared my throat. "What kind of business deal?" I asked. I was a little suspicious of this business deal because, since I met him, no word that he said was pleasant to my ears.

"A one-year contract with any amount of money that you demand, all the luxury brands that you could ever think of." He started listing all the benefits I would receive once I signed a one-year contract with him. But what is this one-year contract for? I asked myself. "A car that you can keep when the contract is over and a place in my company in the position that you want and not as my secretary."

"What kind of contract are you talking about?" I was doubtful. It sounded too good to me, so it definitely has a catch to it.

"Playing my fiancé and then, of course, my wife once we get..." He didn't get a chance to finish his sentence when I interrupted him.

"Play your what?" I shouted in shock. "Excuse me, but I will not play masquerade with you. If this is your business deal, I can assure you that it will not happen," I told him firmly. I don't know if he's deaf or just stubborn, but he still insists on letting me hear his ludicrous deal.

"If you could just think about it before giving me a solid no, you would find that this deal benefits you more than it benefits me," he said.

"And where do I benefit? All I see is a man before me fighting back for his lost ego. There are so many women out there dying to play this game with you, yet you decide to stalk me all the way to my home." I started to rant, throwing my hands in the air for it to come down, slapping on my thigh.

"It's because they aren't you," he replied, looking into my eyes as if what he said should mean something to me or should be touched. I scoffed. Cliche much. Who even says that anymore?

"How could they be me? There can only be one Harmony Green, and that is me. And this me is refusing to participate in your ridiculous game of playing house.

"It's not playing house. I told you it's business, and like any other business, we can negotiate, formulate a contract, and come to an agreement." He didn't hesitate in his response, and I had to admit that the businessman in him was coming out. Now I see why he's a successful businessman because he was relentless.

Don't count me out as yet. I did my fair share of debating when I was in high school and university. I imagined myself rolling my shoulder, stretching my fingers, and flexing my neck, getting ready to annihilate this business deal.

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