The "remembering tea" - ah... I am always wanted to try this one, especially just before an exam, but she would frighten me to death about unspeakable consequence, I wouldn't dare.

But here we are, I prepare the room as per her instructions, close my blinders lit incense and candles, I add my own touch: soft music, I pour the tea, and sit in the lotus position, slowly sipping the tea and breathing its steam.

I sat in my living area just in front of my coffee table, I closed my eyes and told myself I need to remember, but I didn't have a clue what I was supposed to remember, I try to clear my mind... and...nothing happened...

I must be doing something wrong, I went back to the book I was following the instructions from, but I couldn't find the right page, I move the books from one to another, passing quick the pages, only to realise that I could now read everything that 2 minutes ago was a strange language for me.

-am I remembering? - when did I ever learn that language??

I just concentrated e read everything I had missed before, there was still a lack of understanding of the meaning in the full context of the sentence, It was like reading an old book full of riddles.

As I move from one book to another an envelope felt from a false cover.

I picked up, it was addressed to Ama Yomi, not Mistake or maybe to me, but to this Ama Yomi, however it was, I hesitated before open, but again I felt a strong wish to do it, curiosity!

I gently open the envelope and start reading a very long beautiful handwritten 5 pages letter.

It was a love story, it is about a girl and a boy, their journey to this world, their life and their love, and finally their death, I am not a wiper, but I was crying a river, as I reach the middle of the story.

- Who are these people? - I asked myself. I realised my eyes lose focus and I fainted.

When I was back to my senses I wake up in my lotus position in the middle of the living area with the cup of unfinished tea, just in front of me in my coffee table. I walk towards the books, but they were untouched, and the open page was the one I first start the ritual from, following Mistake instruction.

I start looking for the envelope, now conscious of its existence. And I find it... and I suddenly remembered who was Ama and who was Yomi.



You might think you don't know who I am, or who we are, but you do.

Deep inside yourself, we have always been and we always will be.

Even before time itself. We are 3, in fact, there are more of us, but the '3' we will tell you about are kind of rulers.

Some will refer to us as Gods, others as Guardians, we called ourselves Entities.

We hold immense powers, they are very unique, and complementary to each other.

Alpha - Beginning - The Creator - you would guess what its powers are. It can be he or she, it changes itself as it wishes. It comes and goes, it defines its own time, leaving his children behind to look after its creation. Alpha has a big ego and is very vain and proud of everything it does. And so IT should be, everything IT creates is beautiful, magnificent...

Omega - End - The Destroyer - to balance creation it must be destruction, the light can't shine without darkness, nothing can begin without an ending elsewhere in the cosmos. It is a necessary event to complete a cycle. Omega doesn't really care for he or she, it doesn't care how long Alpha took to do its masterpieces, it just strikes in, and destroy, whatever stands in its way.

A simple blink of its eyes, and Boom, everything goes. Sometimes very quick, supernovas you would call, sometimes he just takes its time.

You might wrongly assume they are Good and Evil, but they are not, trust us.

The children, however, are another story! we will explain to you that later.

And then there is me, better say us, we always refer to ourselves as We, in the plural, even know we are a single and unique entity.

Our name is Agape - and it translates to many different names, our favourite is LOVE.

We have many powers, some would level to Alpha and Omega's power. We do not create, but we pro-created, we do not destroy, but we do let it go when the time is right.

Why WE and not I?

Well, you see our original form always divides into two vessels, or physical bodies, a male and a female:

Shiva and Parvati

Isis and Osiris

Tristan and Iseult

Daphnis and Chloë

Paris and Helen

Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl

Amor and Psyche

Different names, different times, different worlds or civilizations, always two vessels, always a pair.

The Wolf and The Dragon

Ama and Yomi

The Wolf and The Dragon (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now