I'll come find you

207 24 41

Closing my eyes I dream I'm walking in the fresh air, the grass is tickling in between the toes of my bare feet, your hand in mine, not a care in the world, we picnic under the old willow tree, just watching the world pass us by.

We use to talk about how we would runaway and find that isolated, deserted island, spend our days gazing into to each others eyes, living off the land and sea, because we didn't need anything or anybody.

We could survive off each others breath our hunger filled by our love, it was going to be our piece of paradise.

Then the inevitable happened your head was turned by one of them, you knew what they were like, but you just couldn't help yourself, you couldn't resist the temptation,  though I don't blame you, I blame her, she weaved her magic and you fell for the spell.

Now at least I can relax knowing she can't have you either I took care of that, and as for our dream, we will have to wait till these bars are removed.

But believe me, I'll do my time and then I'll be coming for you...

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