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I found myself sitting here today thinking of you, it's been so long yet the smallest of things have me transformed fifteen years earlier where I'm standing waiting for you.
It's funny I was alway waiting for you,still am.
But today I feel different the memories still hurt but I feel like I need to start shutting you off, by that I mean when I think of you it's like you're there with me and I love that feeling, but it's not real, I need to move on, I need a closure, but I don't know how or where to get that from and I still feel wronged by people, people who should of told me, you, you should of found a way.
I know we had gone our separate ways but you knew, you knew it was always you and it wasn't that I didn't want to, it was that I couldn't.
I'm angry you didn't even attempt to contact me and that scares me still, how can I feel anger to you? a question I wish I could ask you, so many questions I wish I could ask you.
As I sit here the tears roll down my cheek and I imagine your finger gentle rubbing them away, I can almost physically feel it when I close my eyes, how I wish I could keep my eyes closed forever.
I walked passed your grave the other day and silently sent my love, but today I think I'll say goodbye.

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