My stranger

21 4 6

Blades of grass brushed against my bare legs, I was laughing so hard tears were rolling down my cheeks, I hadn't laughed like this in years it was an amazing feeling.

A gentle breeze swirled around my body, enticing me to stroll further, the trees whispering words of wisdom, I could do this, I knew I could.

Dancing to my own beat, I didn't realise how much the world around me had changed, my life behind them four wall, for so long had disillusioned me to how beautiful it is.

A piece of paper caught my eye, it was floating around just out of my reach in the breeze, I stretched, but as soon as I got my fingertips to it, it bounced off a gust of wind to just being out of reach again. It made me smile as it reminded me of my life, things just out of reach every time.

No more though, this time I was my priority, well almost, for some reason he decided to stick around, I had to admire him for that, this stranger who strangely seemed to appear just at all the right times.

I found myself at the beach, like when I was a child, the sound of the sea was my calling, although I wouldn't venture to close, I learnt my mistake with that when he said it was fine he'd be with me, with me he was, pushing me further in then leaving me pleading for his help, after that it was hazy but I'm sure my stranger saved me all that time ago as well.

I shivered pushing the memory back to the locked part of my brain, it was over I wasn't going back there again, not now not ever.

A smell of suncream caught my attention, some children were building sandcastles not far down the beach, others were splashing at the waters edge, their innocence was a fresh breath of air. I couldn't help but smile again.

I laid down creating a sand Angel, the sun felt like it was regenerating me and I liked it, I closed my eyes taking in every feeling and sound, why you asked, because I can, for the first time in years I can.

Suddenly a shadow was  covering my body, I didn't have to open my eyes, I knew it was my stranger, I thought you'd be here he said, he always knew and I'd given up asking how long ago.

I knew they knew as soon as I left, but for some reason they allowed it like they wanted me to explore to rediscover myself and as soon as i left the four wall I sensed my stranger even though I couldn't see him, maybe they knew my stranger would bring me back, or maybe they just didn't care and hoped I wouldn't return, one less damaged soul to deal with, I guess we'll never know.

My stranger took my hand and I knew my time was up and back to my four walls I had to go.... until the next time anyway and maybe I'll catch my piece of paper then....

Time stood stillDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora