WRITER can i open up a little bit

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No one judge me ok?...ok thanks

When I was 13 there was this other gay kid in my class and TBH he was really ugly but I was desperate. So I asked him out on Facebook and he didn't respond. Next day at school he says no and fare enough. BUT at break he tells everyone I said we were going out and that I'm and idiot and blah blah blah. He bullies me for weeks after that and I wasn't doing great. Before school I REALLY wasn't ok so I went to see if my friends house to see if she wanted to walk with me. She said she couldn't so I went to the woodland path I sometimes took to school and climbed a tree. I tied my tie around a branch and I was ready to jump.... But I didn't. So I went to school and had the worst day ever. Sometimes I wish I had jumped but now I'm mostly ok. Letting my thoughts out here because none of you know what I look like or sound like and it makes me feel safer.

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