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Adios amigos! It's a me a big gay loser. Enjoy!😇

I woke up in the middle of the night with my head pressed on Elliot's chest. "Elliot?" I mumbled. response. I slowly slunk out of bed showing my white 'Yikes' hoodie and nothing else as it was a hot night to get a glass of water. As I headed up the stairs I heard thudding maybe someone was watching a movie or something. As I looked into the living room I saw 2 muscular men wearing black balaclavas and black clothes with knives. I quickly ran down the stairs my bare feet not making any noise. "ELLIOT ELLIOT" I whisper shouted. Still no response. I quickly ran into Kath and Marcus' room. "MARCUS!" I whisper shouted. "Whaaaat" he mumbled still sleeping. "There's people in the house" I replied. "What?" He replied confused. "People are upstairs in masks" I repeated slowly. Marcus and Kath quickly got out of bed. I ran back into my room to grab my phone. "000 what's your emergency?" The man on the other end asked. "There's people in my house" I whispered. "What's your address sir?" The man replied. "649 North Road" I whispered back. "Ok sir police are on the way but you have to stay on the li-


The operator on the other end of the phone was interrupted by bangs and thuds from upstairs. "Are you okay sir?" The operator asked. "Yeah I'm fine I don't think my friends are though" I replied. "Elliot..Elliot get up" I whispered shouted again. "Uhh god what?" Elliot's mumbled begrudgingly. "Get up there are people upstairs with knives" I replied. "SIR, ARE YOU THERE!" I heard from my phone on the ground. "Yes I'm here" I replied. "Ok police are al-" the operator was cut off by my phone running out of battery. "Fuck um call the police on your phone and I'll see if Marcus and Kath are ok" I said before heading for the door. "If you're going I'm going I don't want you getting hurt" Elliot replied. "Ok just be quiet" I said back. He both quietly crept up the stairs to see Marcus on the floor and Kath throwing everything on the kitchen at them. Marcus was in the living room a good distance from the kitchen. Elliot quickly snuck over to Marcus to see if he was out while I crept up behind one of the intruders to try take his knife. I jumped on his back and tried to tackled him to the ground but failed and was smacked in the face sending me to the floor. "Y/N!" Elliot exclaimed rushing over to me getting both intruders attention.. Lannan, Nathan Brodey came up the stairs to see the commotion all of them quickly taking down one of the intruders.
The other intruder was waving his knife around at everyone. I crawled back to my feet and grabbed the closest thing to me my phone. I threw the phone off of his head and then Lannan ran at him taking him to floor. "POLICE HANDS IN THE AIR!" We heard screamed while the front door was opened. We all immediately put our hands up. As the police checked us and arrested the intruders Elliot sat next to me on the floor. "Hi you ok?" I yawned. "Tired huh?" He laughed. "Yeah" i yawned again resting my head on his shoulder after that I quickly drifted to sleep on his shoulder.

Hope you enjoyed!

P.S I'm having way to much fun butchering languages

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