Can I crash at your house?

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BAI! it's me again! This is kinda lazarbeam x reader/ muselk x reader. just read and you'll get the gist. Also this isn't in the click house. Enjoy! 😇😘💕

As I sat in my office stall I felt my phone vibrated and light flashed out my pocket

Hey babe how's

Nothing much literally
wanna die😭

Ahh the usual

Yeah ☹️ see
u soon

K see u later

"Hey Y/N get out!" My manager commanded from behind me. "W-hat?" I questioned. Did I do something wrong? "There's been a problem with accounting and we have to close early" he said. "Oh ok" I smiled before grabbing my phone and leaving. As I got on the bus home I went on my phone to scroll instagram and check Snapchat. Should I text Lannan? No it'll be a nice surprise. As the bus can up my stop I walked to the door and got off thanking the bus driver. "Helloooo?" I questioned opening the front door to Lannan and i's apartment. I saw nobody in the living room or kitchen. He's probably in the bedroom he's always in the bedroom. As I opened the bedroom door I couldn't believe it. I saw Lannan with another man. He quickly noticed me and scrambled to get clothes. "Y/N ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!" He exclaimed rushing after me. "WHAT THE FUCK WAS IT THEN!" I asked in tears. "Just... please Y/N let me explain" he replied. "NO! FUCK YOU!" I cried rushing out of the apartment. When I got on the street I pulled out my phone and texted Elliot.

Hey Elliot can I
crash at yours?

Yeah I guess did
something happen
with you and

Thanks you're a
Life saver. I'll  tell
You later.

--time skip--
"Hey Y/N!" Elliot exclaimed cheerfully. "Hi" I frowned. "What's up? Did something happen with you and Lannan?" He asked. It's nothing just..." I couldn't finish my sentence before tears were coming down my face. "Hey hey it's ok" Elliot hushed as he brung me into his living room. "Lannan um he cheated" I cried choking on my tears. "Umm shit...I'm happy for you to stay here until you get back on your feet" he smiled. "Thanks Elliot" I smiled back through my tears. "You can crash on my bed if you want" he said. "Ok thank you Elliot I really mean it" I smiled hugging him. "It's really nothing" he laughed.

-time skip-

I sat cross legged on Elliot's bed listening to music with my headphones in while Elliot was editing a video. I started quietly singing take me out by Emma Blackery and Elliot seemed to notice. "Nice song! Pass me a headphone!" Elliot exclaimed jumping from his chair to his bed. I handed him a headphone. " I put these walls up, questioning the motives of my friends
They can't be trusted, I'm finding I'm the only one I have"I sung quietly. "I think I'm gonna go to bed" Elliot yawned. "Me to" I replied. As I lay under the duvet I felt Elliot's body close to mine. I leaned into him and started falling asleep. "Y/N??" He whispered. "Hmmmm" I moaned. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Sleeping" I moaned. "C-can you get off of me then?" He asked blushing. "No you're to comfortable" I moaned and clung to him tighter then I fell asleep.

OMG I LOVEEEE THIS! Remember if you have a request or want a personalised story read the message me!

Muselk x male reader (oneshots)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora