"Well, when I saw my vision the woman had pups. I knew they were hers because I could feel a sense of motherhood with the pups. I was super confused on how that could happen," Alyson says sipping the bean juice that would supply her with the energy she required.

"She had pups? This really must've been quite a while ago," Daniels says. Alyson changed the subject.

"How long have I been asleep?"Daniel offered her a small smile as he sipped his own coffee.

"About two days or so." Alyson felt her stomach drop and then wondered if her parents were worried that she was gone. Had she taken her phone? She couldn't remember, her memory was cloudy and it made her head hurt to think too much.

"Looking for this?" Daniel asks holding up her orange phone case.

"Yes actually I was, I am I the psychic one here or you?" Alyson asks her tone easy and light. she takes the offered phone.

"Where'd you find it?"

"It fell out when I moved your bag to your room." Alyson smiled gratefully at Daniel. She quickly unlocks it and disappointment fills her. Nothing, not a single text or call. Her face falls, she'd was hoping for something. A bitter taste filled her mouth tears stung the back of her eyes, she'd been gone for what? Almost a week now? Not once had they bothered to see if she was even there. Sadness turned into anger hot and burning.

They always forget about her! She wasn't truly an Archerson and she never will be either, apparently. This only provided something she already knew. Her blood was boiling hot and her eyes burned with unshed tears of betrayal and anger.

She took a few calming breaths, Daniel spoke up suddenly. She's almost forgotten about his presence.

"Something wrong?" His face scrunched up in confusion.

"No, just disappointed is all," Alyson says surprising herself. Talking to Daniel seemed easy and almost natural.

"Why?" His face held such honest emotion it made Alyson want to cry. She swallowed her tears and forced her voice to even out.

"I thought that maybe my family would offer some kind of concern. I mean, it's only natural, right? Hasn't been around for almost a week, yet no one reaches out to me to see if I'm still even alive. That's alright though, I'd expect nothing more out of them. I don't think they'd notice if I was hanging from the tree next to their window." A bitter smile rose to her face and she let out a shaky breath. A sudden warm touched her hand, her head snapped up. She saw Daniel give her a soft reassuring smile.

"That's not true I'm sure your parents love you just as much as you're siblings." His words did nothing to comfort her, he had no idea of the life she'd had.

"With all respect, I disagree. Once I stayed out in the wood for almost a month. I watched them from the darkness of the window. Not once did they notice I was absent from the dinner table or did once my sisters notice I wasn't in my bed. It was as if I wasn't a part of my family at all..."Alyson trailed off unable to finish the story about how she tried to end her life on the month mark. A good Samaritan saved her, her wrist was slit. She would've died if that person hadn't stopped the bleeding. However, once they saved her she never saw them again.

"I'm sorry, to hear that. I'm sure it was hard for you but now you're a part of the pack. We never leave a member out," Daniel says his eyes holding what he believed as truth.

Alyson, however, thought of the two weeks she spent alone with only Kai to keep her going. She wasn't about to fully place her trust in the pack, they left her once and they would do it again. They only wanted to use her at the moment and once she served her purpose they would toss her. Then she'd be alone all over again. She hardened her heart as she thought of this. She'd never truly been one of them.

"Uncle Dan! Is Alyson awake yet?" A voice calls almost childlike.

"He's been going crazy ever since you passed out. I think he's become fond of you, Alyson," Daniel's eyes soft and his smile matches.

"He doesn't really tend to like others very much, heck I'd say he still doesn't fully like my boys, saviour the feeling." he pauses before announcing Alyson's presence.

"She's in here, Dylan!"

Alyson laughs as Dylan seems to materialize next to her, in some way he reminded her of Kai.

"Alyson! Are you okay? You seemed pretty bad the other day," Dylan says in a boyish tone. He flinches as Daniel smacks the back of his head with the newspaper.

"You really know how to charm the ladies don't you?" Alyson laughs as the two starts to argue. A surge of exhaustion hits her like a ton of bricks. She excuses herself from the room, she doubts her words were heard but walks back to her temporary room.

A small smile forms on her face as she sees Hayden. His face still soft and in a deep sleep. She slips into the blankets and finds herself studying Hayden again. A sudden realization hit her like a ton of bricks. Iina said something about finding her mate dead.

Do Weres really have mates or is that just some stupid rumour about them that's not entirely true. If it was true then one of them is her mate, and Alyson had a pretty good idea who it was.

He had brilliant hazel eyes and a cute cocky smile. He was also laying on the edge of her bed. She decided to keep the thought hidden away. She wasn't quite ready to think about it just yet. She thought he was incredibly handsome and was super sweet, and funny, and- Alyson cut herself off she was beginning to sound like a school girl.

She reached out, unable to hold back any longer, and moved a stray hair from his face. His hair was exactly as she'd pictured it hours earlier. He stirred slightly but didn't wake. Alyson took hold of his hand and relished in its warmth. She soon fell into a dreamless slumber.


Pain, hot and unforgiving shot through her as she leapt out of bed. Bile rising in her throat she hacked up more blood. Her head spun with pain, this was by far the worst of all the other times. The pain was so great it made her eyes water and her back arched. It was as if someone replaced her blood with pure hot electricity. It sparked wildly through her. No one place hurt more than the other it was as if her whole body was being electrocuted.

A scream snaked its way through her and she saw black spots in her vision. She prayed to pass out but the pain only increased.

The door was thrown open so hard Alyson could've sworn it came off the hinges. The panicked face of Hayden filled her vision. He kneeled down next to her unsure of what to do. She gripped his arm, tears running down her face. He picked her up and held her close.

She wept big fat tears of pure pain, Hayden held her and allowed her to cry. There was nothing he could do for her after all. She heard more voices around her but didn't dare to peek out of the cocoon Hayden had built around her.

The pain seemed to only increase, yet she wouldn't pass out. The world was cruel. Her heart was beating so loud it sounded as if it would explode out of her.

Finally the sweet realise of sleep came over her.

This cycle continued for another week and a half. Each time the pain worse than the time before until she would beg for death inside her brain. But Hayden was beside her the whole time and she was extremely grateful for it. Kai wouldn't leave her side unless he had to use the bathroom desperately. The poor pup had to grow up way too fast.

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