"Alright, jeez. I'll be back in a few Kai needs to go to the bathroom," Alyson says following the pup into the forest. Kai eagerly sniffs around for a place to relieve himself.

Something catches Alyson's eye as they're walking through the forest. It looks something like a person's head. She approaches slowly.

"Hello?" she asks her face scrunching up in confusion. There shouldn't be any people out this far in the woods.

The person's head bobbles in and out of the forest. Alyson runs after them.

"Hey! Slow down I'm not going to hurt you!" Alyson calls as she follows the person. They start to slow down and stops at a clearing in the forest.

"Hey, are you okay? It's dangerous to be in the forest alone like this. Come with me I can show you how to get out," Alyson starts and goes to place her hand on the person's shoulder. Her hand goes right through the person. Alyson looked at her hand confused. That did not just happen.

"Ma'am?" She asks guessing the person's a woman but the shape of the body. Slowly the woman turned to her, her face was a pale grey. Almost like she was dead.

"Are you okay?" Alyson asks once again. The woman looked at her confused. Suddenly a smile came to her face. Alyson felt her blood cold as she noticed a wound on the woman's side. The exact same place the wolf in her dream was cut.

"You're the wolf from my dream?" Alyson asks. The woman's small smile widened. She wasn't wearing modern clothing, but clothes that seemed from a whole different lifetime.

"Who are you?" Alyson asks. The woman put a finger to her mouth and gestured Alyson to follow her. As Alyson looked around the forest started to change into a completely different place. The mid-summer Maple and birch trees turned baren. The woman started walking Alyson followed quickly.


Hayden woke up with a start as Dylan yelled at Luca for him to let go. Hayden laughed at the two, it seems Dylan was making a full recovery. Hayden then looked around for Alyson. She was nowhere in sight.

"Where's Alyson?" He asked yawning.

"No, Oh Dylan how are you feeling? But a where's Alyson I see how it is," Dylan says crossing his arms," And for your information, she went to take Kai to the bathroom."

"It's not that I don't care for you. She's my mate so I always think of her first," Hayden says stretching. His brothers look awake except for Mason, he seems to only wake up when forced to do so. Nate was watching his brothers with amusement in his eyes.

"You know I saved Dylan for spilling the beans on her being your mate, he almost let it slip," Luca says sounding self-efficient.

"Sorry, I just woke up from almost dying! I wasn't really thinking about hiding it," Dylan says starting to get irked.

"It's alright as long as you didn't tell her," Hayden says walking over to Alyson's bag and grabbing an apple from it.

"Are you going to tell her before we leave for Canada?" Dylan asks hopefully.

"You know if I didn't know better I'd think you're starting to like her," Collin says teasing the younger boy. Dylan gave him the look of childish pout, making everyone laugh softly.

"I plan on it. There's no way I'm leaving without her," Hayden says munching on his apple.

"How romantic!" Luca says dramatically. Everyone other than him rolls their eyes.

"Alyson's been gone for quite some time," Dustin says as if suddenly remembering.

"What do you mean?" Hayden asks his pulse rising.

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