The Lonely God

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Hades a.k.a Draco is so lonely until he see someone who can stop it

Draco a.k.a Hades sighed as he finished judging the last soul of the day. He left his throne and made his way to his room to change for the family dinner. More like the forced dinner everyone had to attend says his younger brother Zeus. This week he was hosting and since he couldn't leave the underworld for more than a few hours he decided to do it here. He knew that every family dinner ended up with some goddesses crying, some gods fighting, some gods drunk on wine (mostly Dionysus), some goddesses and gods threatening war and some like Draco stayed quiet and wished to be somewhere else. That was only if they did not call him his real name. He preferred the name Draco not wishing to have his name being Hades.

After getting dressed for the dinner he made his way to the dinning room but was stopped by one of his undead henchmen.

"Your Highness, there is an urgent matter that needs your attention." He said. If it would get him out of this dinner Hades would deal with it.

"What is it?"

"A girl has asked for help saving someone. She offers her life for her friend's life." The henchman said. Hades closed his eyes and quickly disappeared to the mortal world. He appeared next to the girl who offered her life for a girl she was holding. He had yet to reveal himself wanting to see what was going on first. The woman in question had her face in the dying girl's shirt but her long brown hair was beautiful. He looked around noticing that they were in some sort of building that looked like it had been through war. As he was about to reveal himself he heard footsteps coming their way.

"Hermione, have- GINNY!!" A red haired boy said before rushing over to them. The woman holding the dying girl looked up and all of the sudden Draco couldn't breathe. She was very pretty with her brown eyes and soft lips even though she was crying.

"'s  poisoning her blood" The woman who he thought he heard her name was Hermione cried. What a beautiful name. He knew at that moment he would accept the deal but she wouldn't go to the Elysian Fields, she would be his.

"What do we do!!!" Ron cried.

"I can help" Draco said revealing himself. Hermione's eyes widen when she got a look at the handsome blonde mad with the greyest eyes she had ever seen.

"Who are you?" The red haired boy asked.

"I have many names but you can call me Draco." He said. "I have come to accept her plea."

"What plea?" He asked looking at Hermione.

"I asked him to take me instead, I didn't think he'd show." Hermione said.

"Hermione.." the boy said. Draco waved his hand cast wandless magic.

"I have stopped the poison from spreading any further but it's temporary until you agree to come with me." He said.

"So I come with you and you will save my friend?" She said.

"Yes" Draco said.

"Mione no, how do we know that the minute you leave he won't kill Ginny." The boy said angering Draco.

"You dare question the honor of a God!!" Draco yelled.

"Gods don't go back on their promises. They are very loyal and when they make a promise they don't break it." Hermione said before looking down at Ginny who was passed out but should wake up once she made the deal.

"Goodbye Ginny" she said.

"Hermione don't do this, we'll find another way to help Ginny." Ron said.

Dramione One-ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora