Accidental Kiss

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Draco and Hermione share an accidental kiss

No Voldemort or Death Eaters or Dark Marks in this one

Hermione had been having a rough day and it was all because of him. The person in question was none other than Draco Malfoy. Ever since the Yule Ball he had been even more persistent in making her life miserable.

He never called her that word but he did mess with her a lot. It was little things like he would use magic so that when she tried to sit down the chair would move making her fall on her butt. He once sent her a rather naughty howler that told her all about different sexual positions. That one earn him a hair changing spell that turned his hair red and stayed for a week. He was definitely not happy about that but it made everyone else laugh including her. The pranks went on until today when Malfoy had stolen her book from her and was currently running from her in the courtyard.

"Give it back Malfoy!!" Hermione yelled.

"I think not" Draco said running around the tree while she followed.

"Don't make me turn you into a ferret!!" She said making him stop in his track and turn around just as ran into him. Her lips slammed into his lips as they fell backward onto the ground. They froze as they realized what was going on. They had just accidentally kissed. Hermione looked into Draco's wide yes before quickly getting off him then grabbing her book from his hands before getting up and running away.

She ran all the way back to her room then collapsed on her bed breathing hard.

"Hermione, are you okay?" Ginny asked from her bed. Ginny had been doing homework when Hermione came in. Hermione told her what happened.

"YOU KISSED MALFOY!!" Ginny yelled shocked.

"No. Sorta. It was an accident." Hermione said. "If he hadn't taken my book none of this would have happened." Ginny inwardly shook her head. This poor girl was clueless when it came to the opposite sex. She had no clue that the reason Malfoy teased her was because he had a crush on her. He probably didn't know it himself but Ginny did. She watched the way Malfoy tried to causal stare at Hermione without her noticing but Ginny noticed it.

"Hermione, why do you think Malfoy teases you?" Ginny asked.

"Because he is an annoying git who likes to torment me." Hermione said.

"No, he teases you because he likes you." Hermione sat up and stared at her like she was mental.

"He does not"

"He stares at you all the time and sometimes he doesn't even know it. He goes out of his way to tease you and they say if someone picks on you it means they like you." Ginny said. Hermione made a confused before shaking her head. No, he couldn't possibly like her. Can he? No, it's impossible.

"I have to go to the library to return some books, I'll see you later." Hermione said before grabbing some of the books and leaving the room. As she walked to the library she tried to forget what Ginny said but the moment she entered the library, those thoughts came back full force as she saw him and his friends sitting at one of the tables talking and studying. She stared at him, really stared at him, she noticed that his hair like to fall into his eyes and he would flip his head to the side to get it out. She noticed that when he laughed he laughed like a angel and his eyes...She could stare into them forever.

As if he could sense someone was looking at him, he looked up and saw her. She quickly went forward to Miss. Pince's desk to return her books. As she did she heard from behind her talking then a chair scrape the floor, footsteps approached her before a delicious smell of aftershave.

"Granger-" he said but was interrupted when Hermione turned around, grabbed his tie and pulled him down to her a little before planting her lips on his. It was over after five second then Hermione took off, not seeing Draco's wide eyes or the rather devilish smile he had on. She ran till she got to the courtyard where she thought about what she had just done. She gasped when an hand gripped her arm and turned her around.

"That is the last time you run after kissing me." Draco said before grabbing her face and kissing her. He groaned and deepened the kiss. Hermione couldn't believe that he had followed her and was now kissing her. She decided right then and there to just enjoy it so she wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him back. After a few minutes they broke apart for some much needed air.

"We should talk about what just happened." She panted.

"I love you Hermione, I only teased because I wanted a reason to be close to you." He said. Hermione stared at him for a moment but only seeing honesty. She smiled and kissed him.

"I just realized that I feel the same."

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes" she said before kissing him again. They both stood there knowing their future would be happy and bright.

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