Have You Seen Him?

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Hermione searches for her Prince after the war

Hermione ran through the destroyed hall searching everywhere for him. She had last seen him by the room of requirement but that was hours ago. She needed to find him to make sure he's okay. As she looked around she wasn't looking where she was going and ran into someone.

"You okay Hermione?" Neville asked. Hermione looked up at the wounded boy. He held a rag to his head where he was hurt. She ignored the question and asked what she really wanted to know.

"Have you seen him?"

"No but I think Ginny has" he said.

"Where is she?" She asked.

"In the Great Hall with her family." He said. Hermione raced to the Great Hall in search of her best friend all while remembering her and her prince first kiss.


Hermione watched as the object of her affection laughed with his friends. She was hiding behind a stone pillar while he was in the court yard with his friends. She watched for a few more minutes before leaving her hiding spot and heading to lunch. She was half way there when she heard footsteps behind her. She stayed calm thinking that whoever it was was just going to lunch just like her. She gasped when she was grabbed and dragged into an empty classroom. She was shoved against a wall before she looked up into a pair of beautiful grey eyes.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"The important question is why have you been following me. At first I thought you were spying on me for Potter but now I think your friends don't know you are following me." He said. Hermione gulped but said nothing. She couldn't say anything with him so close to her.

"So why are you following me Granger?" He asked.

"I-I" she stuttered.

"Does it have anything to do with this?" He asked holding up a letter she had sent him anonymously. It was a love letter basically saying she was hopelessly in love with him.

"I-I" she said still unable to put a full sentence together. The blonde haired boy chuckled and moved closer to her.

"You are so adorable, thinking I didn't know you were following me or that you were the one sending me love letters." He said making Hermione's eyes widen.

"I didn't" she said.

"Don't lie when we both know the truth." He said. Hermione took a deep breath and spoke.

"Okay, I was the one sending you the letters, following you around and the one who hexed Parkinson for trying to sleep with you." She said making her Slytherin Prince eyes widened.

"That was you?" He said then burst out laughing.

"I don't like it when other girls touch you." She said making him slowly stop laughing and look up at her. He stared at her for a second before leaning in and kissing.

Flashback Ends

After that day they spent everyday together ignoring the rumors and their friends protest. They didn't care what people thought, they only cared about each other. Things were going well until she caught him in the bathroom crying after the Katie Bell incident. He then showed her his dark mark and told her that Voldemort said he would kill his mother if he didn't do what he said. They cried together before deciding that they need to get the Orders help.

Hermione took him to Dumbledore and told him what happened. Dumbledore promised to help him and his family. That night he and his family were moved to a hidden location only Dumbledore and a few trusted people knew of. Hermione kissed him goodbye as he left with his family to hide till the battle began.
A few weeks later the battle began and she saw him again but wasn't able to get to him because she needed to destroy a horcrux. The battle raged on until Voldemort was destroyed and now Hermione was looking for her Prince.

She made it to the Great Hall to see all the people who lost their lives being grieved over by the people that cared about them. Her heart broke when she saw Fred Weasley among the dead. She went over to Ginny who was crying in her father's arms.

"Ginny.." she said. Ginny looked up and saw her and breathed a sigh of relief before leaving her father's arms and hugging her.

"Mione" she said.

"Ginny, have you seen him?" She asked.

"He's in the court yard with his family." She said pulling away from her.

"I'm so sorry for your loss." Hermione said before rushing off to the courtyard. When she got there she saw him getting his head wrapped by a nurse. His mother looked up and smiled before touching his arm. Her Prince looked up and saw her as the nurse finished wrapping his head. He stood and rushed over to her scooping her up into his arms. Hermione lifted her head and kissed him. Her Dragon was okay. He was safe and sound and she thanked Merlin for it.

"I love you Mione" he said.

"I love you too Draco" she said.

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