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Hermione hears Draco and Blaise talking and now she can't get what he said out of her mind.

Hermione walked down the hall on patrol. She was tired and wanted to get her head duty done with as quickly as possible. As she turned the corner she heard voices coming from an empty classroom. She moved over to the door about to bust them but stopped when she recognized the voices. It was Malfoy and Zabini.

"Draco, just tell her how you feel?" He said.

"I can't she hates me" Draco said.

"Well quit complaining if you aren't going to tell her."

"I want to tell her but her friends and my parents would never accept us."

"Screw your parents if the can't get over the fact that she makes you a better man and makes you happy." Blaise said. Hermione was now interested on who made the head boy a better man. Hermione heard a sigh and moved closer to the door.

"I love her Blaise" Draco said.

"For Merlin sake just tell Granger how you feel." Blaise said making Hermione gasp.

"Did you hear that?" Draco asked. Hermione panicked and ran around the corner and all the way to the head's common room then to her room. She slammed her door and leaned against it. She couldn't believe it. Draco Malfoy loved her. How was that possible when he barely spoke on word to her in the four months they had been at Hogwarts?

She must have heard it wrong, with that knowledge she got ready for bed. A few minutes later when she was in bed she heard the common room door open then footsteps passing her room before a door closed. Hermione sighed knowing that she didn't hear it wrong, that Draco Malfoy loved her and she didn't know how to feel about that.

The next morning after barely getting any sleep Hermione dragged herself out of bed and headed to her shower. After showering she got dressed before listening to see if Malfoy was still there. When she didn't hear anything she opened the door and went into the common room. She sighed in relief when she didn't see him. Last night was very confusing and she stayed up till four o'clock thinking about it.

Hermione made her way to the Great Hall still wondering what to do about the situation. Did she have feelings for  the head boy? Did she want him to be her boyfriend? Her friends would never approve, Ginny maybe but Ron and Harry would throw a fit. Hermione entered the Great Hall and her eyes were immediately drawn to the Slytherin table. He was there with Zabini and Parkinson.

Hermione all of a sudden couldn't catch her breath. She had never felt this way before and it was scaring her a bit. Malfoy looked up and saw her standing there and she immediately turned around and ran for it. She ran all the way back to the head's common room before collapsing in the couch. Her whole world was changing in front of her and she couldn't do anything about. The door to the common room opened and she looked up to see Mal-Draco standing there.

"It was you wasn't it?" He asked. Hermione just stared at him. "Didn't your mother ever teach you it isn't polite to eavesdrop?"

"Is it true what you said?" She asked. Draco stepped into the room making the door close behind him.

"I am utterly and hopelessly in love with you." He said.

"Why, you haven't said a word to me in four months?" She asked standing up. "How do I know this is real and not a plot to make me turn my back on my friends?"

"I haven't said a word cause every time I open my mouth I don't know what to say and I don't want to act like a utter fool." He said then moved closer to her. "I would defy my parents just to be with you. I would gladly lose my inheritance to be with you. I would walk through a filed full of werewolves knowing I would get bit just to be with you. This isn't a plot or scheme this is real."

"You would really do all that for me?" She asked. Draco cupped her face in his hands and smiled.

"I would do that and more" Hermione smiled before kissing him.

"I love you too"

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