I Never Hated You

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Hermione thinks Draco hated her but does he really

Hermione ran down the hall almost running into a bunch of first years. She couldn't stop or he would find her. Who you may ask was after her? Draco Malfoy. Draco had recently discovered that he was a Veela and that Hermione was his mate. Ever since then he has been trying to get her to mate with him. She had avoided him all day today but just when she thought she had escaped him he turns the corner and sees her. She knew that it was a mistake the moment she turned the other way and ran. She knew he would chase her and she knew that when he caught her she was in deep shit.

As she ran outside towards the Quidditch field she heard his footsteps right behind her. She willed her feet to go faster as she made it to the Quidditch field. She had no idea why she came to the Quidditch field but she couldn't turn back now as a body hit hers sending her to the ground. A growl sent shivers down her spine.

"Why must you always run?" He growled.

"Let me go Malfoy" she said.

"Never" he said flipping her on to her back. "You. Are. Mine." He ripped her cloak off as she struggled to get away.

"Let me go, I haven't decided if I want to be your mate yet." She said.

"No matter what you say we are mates and I will have you tonight." He said then leaned down to lick her neck. Hermione shivered when she felt his fangs scrape her skin. She barely noticed that he was unbuttoning her shirt

"Malfoy, if you do this I will never forgive you." Hermione said. Draco sighed and rolled off her before sitting up with his back turned to her.

"I'm sorry you hate me so much that you can't stand the thought of me touching you." He said. Hermione sighed before sitting up and holding her shirt together.

"It's not that I don't want you to touch me it's that last week we were just two people who hated each other and now we are suppose to mate." She said.

"I've never hated you Hermione" he said still not looking at her. Hermione was shocked that he had said her first name.

"But you called me a-" she said before she was interrupted.

"I know what I called you and I regret it so much but I never hated you." He said.

"Malfoy, look at me" she said. He didn't move a muscle. "Draco, look at me" That got him to turn his head towards her. She moved so she was sitting on her legs.

"You didn't hate me?" She asked.

"How could I hate the one person I love most in this world?" He said. At that moment Hermione knew her decision. She leaned in and kissed him. He kissed her right back taking control before deepening it. Hermione pulled away to look at him.

"I, Hermione Granger am entering the first stage of mating of my own free will." Hermione said. A wave of pure magic went through them. Draco's eyes wide at what she said.

"You want to be my mate?" He said. Hermione chuckled and nodded.

"We should get somewhere private since we have company." She said pointing to the Slytherin Quidditch players entering the field. Draco growled and picked her up bridal style. He ran towards the other exit using his super he got them to his bedroom where he showed her how much he loved her.

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