Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

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If you have never heard the song Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off then I left the song ⬆ so check it out if you want

Warning Nudity in this chapter

You have no idea how hard it was to write this. When I get embarrassed I giggle like a school girl and it makes it hard to write naughty scenes.

Draco Malfoy sighed as he walked down the halls of Hogwarts looking for the famous Gryffindor girl's party in the room of requirement. He had heard that they get pretty wild. So wild that there are girls missing clothes, girls to drunk to stand and girls dancing naking. He wanted to see if the rumors were true.

He turned the corner before stopping in his tracks as he saw two half naked girls run passed him. He couldn't believe it, the rumors were true. He continued down the hall till he came to the room of requirement door. He cast a spell to make him invisible before sneaking into the room and hiding behind some boxes. What he saw when he looked over the boxes made his jaw drop. There were a bunch of girls dancing around in their underwear, one in particular caught his eye. Hermione Granger. The little prude who never wore anything revealing or sexy was dancing around in her underwear with a bottle of what looked like tequila in her hand and boy did she look sexy.

Draco had been secretly crushing on the witch since they first met and it was to perfect to see her this way. She looked both drunk off her ass and the happiest he has seen her since she broke up with the git who cheated on her. It had pissed him off when he found out Weasley was screwing Pansy and Hermione walked in on them. He had heard that she gave him a rather nasty hex before storming off.

Draco chuckled as another song began and thought tequila definitely makes her clothes fall off as the whole room began taking their underwear off. Draco watched as Granger's tits bounced up and down as she danced. He couldn't help but stare at her ass when she turned around and shook her hips. She had a really nice ass that he would love to get his hands on. He grew hard at the thought. He reached down and adjusted himself as he watched her dance. He would totally get her back for making him hard. All of a sudden the doors open and in ran a half naked girl looking panicked.

"Everyone Professor Snape is coming this way!" She said. Everyone seemed to sober up and quickly got dressed before running out of the room. Draco chuckled before following them out of the room. As he walked back to bed he thought of how perfect this night was.

The next morning, Draco found himself paired up with the same girl who danced naked last night. He smirked as she sat down looking hung over.

"Rough night Granger?" He asked. She looked at him and glared.

"I'm not in the mood Malfoy" she said getting things out of her bag.

"I would really like to see what happens when you drink Patron." He said.

"What?" She said.

"Nevermind" he said smirking. "Hey Granger"

"What Malfoy?"

"Tequila definitely does make your clothes fall off." He said watching Hermione pale and him laugh.

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