Part 24: Hormones

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"The storms getting pretty bad..." Jimin absent mindedly commented as he looked out through the window.

The rain was extremely heavy and the wind was just as strong with no signs of clearing up.

Instead of making a comment like 'well yeah it's a storm' like he was tempted too, Yoongi went over and looked outside the window with Jimin assessing it before saying "There's been worse so don't worry."

Jimin looked at him in disbelief so Yoongi ruffled his hair before going back over to his pile of blankets on the floor, feeling a sudden rush of giddiness.

Jimin giggled this time and stood up going over to the pile and stood next to it as Yoongi looked up at him with a gummy smile.

He chuckled at the smiling figure above him and sung "Hello~" in a cheery voice getting another giggle back from the small, equally as fluffy as his pile, boy.

Jimin looked down at him with a seemingly sweet smile and sung back "Hellooo." in a mischievously sweet voice.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow at his tone but still smiled anyways as he wiggled his eyebrows and gave an offer.

"Care to join me on my pile of comfy?"

Jimin took a step closer and placed his finger on his chin as he thought about it and said "Hmmmm... nope." once he came to his decision with a different desire.

Yoongi scoffed with his gummy smile still on show and questioned "No? Are you insinuating my pile isn't comfy?"

Jimin giggled as get down on his good knee and slowly said"Noooo, i'm insinuating that I don't want to join you on THE pileeee~ I want to... CLAIM IT AS MINE."

And with that he pounced on Yoongi trying to tickle him.

At first he had the upper hand and managed to get on top of Yoongi because of the shock factor but the moment Yoongi processed the attack it was over.

He grabbed Jimin's hands stopping him from being able to tickle him and carefully flipped him over, being careful of Jimin's leg.

A gentle boi.

Jimin looked up at him knowing he fucked up when he saw the look in Yoongi's eyes.

He knew he'd lost.

Yoongi sat onto Jimin's lap and pinned his hands above his head holding both hands in one hand.

He used his free hand to brush his hair back off of his face and noticed Jimin gulp causing a smirk to creep onto his own face.

Yoongi's emotions had turned quickly from bored to giddy and now to... this.

Jimin didn't know what he was feeling either, he didn't know where the sudden urge to jump Yoongi for the pile of fluffiness came from, or why he decided to stop looking out of the window he'd been happily looking out of all day.

What he did know however was that in that moment, with Yoongi over him looking devilishly handsome, he felt excited and nervous - something Yoongi could sense.

Yoongi wanted to stop himself, he wanted to resist the urges but he couldn't.

They were too strong.

He lent down, closer and closer until their lips were just centimeters apart.

Neither said or did anything, they both just stayed there unmoved until Yoongi looked up to meet Jimin's eyes.

His dominant act seemed to crumble for a moment as he looked for permission to do what he wanted to do so badly.

And Jimin nodded.

Without a second of thought he closed the gap between them and smashed his lips on Jimin's (smoosh) kissing them hungrily like he'd been starved of them.

Jimin kissed back too with just as much force, trying to fight for dominance but ultimately losing when Yoongi growled against his lips making him feel fully submissive.

Yoongi traced his tongue against Jimin's bottom lip and the younger boy willing parted them giving Yoongi full access to explore his 'wet cavern' / 'pie hole" also allowing him to do whatever else he wanted to him.

Luckily (or unluckily) the kiss was enough.

After a minute full of exploration and Jimin's soft moans Yoongi pulled away achieving what he set out to do.

He pulled away to admire the affect he had on Jimin and smirked when he saw the younger's flustered and dreamy eyed state.

Yoongi feeling similar but not showing it as he calmed down from his sudden hormonal rush.

He choose to take advantage of it whilst it lasted doing what he'd be unable to do without, setting out to do what he originally intended by flipping his and Jimin's positions.

He chucked lowly and moved closer to Jimin's ear before lowly growling "Who's blanket is it?" causing Jimin to gulp before quietly whispering "Y-Yours."

"And who's are you?"





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