Since it was now lunch, I found Lila and Harry waiting with Thorn, surprisingly, outside the classroom, and I greeted them with a small smile.

The group rushed forward and we all linked arms, speedily making our way to the canteen to try and get the pizza before it sold out.

"You okay Riv? You look kinda pale and, well, dead inside." Lila spoke joyfully, a bounce in her step, but I couldn't reciprocate the enthusiasm.

"Thanks for the compliment." I replied half heartedly, my voice dull yet still holding a hint of humour.

"Most welcome, but seriously. You good?"

For a few seconds, I had a mental war debating whether to say something about what happened or not.

They would probably find out anyway, so why wait. But then at the same time, I didn't feel like talking about it, and so that seemed the more appealing option.

"Yep, just drained after the maths test."

I felt a sudden push forward, and I was about to turn and see who the hell thought they could get away with shoving me, when I heard a soft whisper.

"Storage room, one."

I jumped at the sudden intrusion of privacy, yanked my arm from Harrys, and span around as quick as possible to see who just spoke.

However, no one was there.

As in, literally no one.

"What the hell?" I questioned aloud, starting to wonder if I actually was going insane. "I don't suppose any of you just saw which creepy ass stalker just came up behind me did you?"

Swivelling back around to continue on my path, I noticed how the group had stopped to look at me with confused and judging expressions.

"Alright alright, I get it. You think I'm a psychopath. No need to stare at me like I just came out as straight though."

Thorn let out a loud laugh before responding to my previous statement. "If you came out as straight I would probably have a heart attack from shock, Rivvy." Harry and Lila nodded in agreement, and Thorn let out a quiet hum in reply to their reply.

After walking for another minute or two, we finally made it to the canteen where the smell of delectable food ridded my mind of any stressful thoughts. Since I had been starving for majority of the day, I hurried over to the 'hot food' section and grabbed two slices of pizza, and then proceeded to make my way over to the fridges and buy myself a pot of pineapple, mango and mandarins.

Deciding that this was still not enough, I also bought a chocolate chip cookie. I mean, seriously. Can you blame me? They're freaking delicious and I've had a stressful day so stop judging and go back to your own hideously calorific treat.

Once I had paid, and also earned a few concerned glances, I shuffled over to the table by the large glass window in the corner and took a seat.

To be honest, this school had a pretty decent canteen. The food was overpriced, but as good as tacky cheap stuff gets. The ladies working here weren't too horrible as long as you didn't start a food fight, and there was a couple of fake plants scattered around which added a nice ambiance to the busy place.

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