Chapter 35: So Many Unread Messages

Start from the beginning

"It's a guy isn't it?" He catches my attention. Is it written all over my face? Or is it just a typical problem for most people?

I sigh into the calm atmosphere. "Yea, but I don't think you'd know anything about that." He picks his hands up and puts himself on display.

"Uhh hello! I'm a guy, I think I'd know everything about that." I can't believe I'm about to tell a young kid about my overdramatic problems.

"Fine. My boyfriend thinks I've cheated on him with a guy who is actually trying to help me win a custody battle over my son with my ex boyfriend from high school who doesn't give a shit about either of us who may I add is having yet another kid with my best friend from said high school." An exaggerated breath leaves me. That was a lot to get out, but it feels so much better. I wish I could just scream that at Jason.

He braces himself on the table, astonished. "Pretty sure that was a big run on sentence. Okay, maybe I don't have any advice to help you with that. But, I can tell you, if you don't go after him and at least try to make it all right, you'll forever regret it. Just be the bigger person and force him to listen."

It's my turn to swallow his words. It's not like I haven't thought of that before, it's not totally ludicrous. But pictures in our head won't always match up to reality. "You know what, you're absolutely right, I'll tell him. Whatever happens will just have to happen. I can't keep losing him."

"So what does lover boy look like anyway?" I smile and just think of his image. It only arouses me, the thought of him. I can't even put into words how fucking beautiful Jason is. I'll just show him a picture. I pull out my phone and pick one of my favorites, the only picture I have. Jason just woke up after I was tied in his arms all night.

He had no idea I snatched the photo, until his eyes popped open and heard the click. He tackled me on the bed and kissed me hard as punishment, but it was more of a reward. He shouldn't be mad anyway, he looks like a model. I edited it to black and white, so gorgeous.

The sleepy fucked face still there. Seductive and agile, shirtless, but you can only see from his collar bone up. Bone structures sharp, lashes long, eyes a deep gray, hair mussed thick, I love his plump lips. God he is mine, or was. Mmph, I want to cry.

Being selfish, I look at the photo for a long moment, then I show Arthur. He gapes at the photo, gawking, jaw dropping, just as Jason is. "You're boyfriend is Jason Foreman?! You have to go after him!"

Snapped back into nature, I totally forgot Jason was Jason Foreman. I shouldn't have just done that. Dammit. I forgot he was a serious ball player. I grab the photo out of his hands, not caring how rude the action was.

"Keep it down! You goon. If you have been watching the news, he's with-."

"Joy Ashwood." He finishes for me, reminding me that I'm not worth it all over again. "Total bombshell, man is she hot. What's he doing with you?" Before he can suck the words back in, it's already too late.

He cups his mouth, noticing the affect he had on me. I don't know what Jason is doing with me. We are so different, he is hard and strong, I'm soft and weak. Beautiful and full, I'm ugly and empty. I scoot my chair back from the table again.

"It was nice meeting you Arthur. Thank you for the pep talk. I better go now." Before he can utter another noise, I leave. Crawling through the crowd it feels like, I storm out the double doors of the restaurant. Bumping into a girl on accident along the way.

"I'm so sorry miss." Looking up, she wears a blistering blue skirt, a pink top that suffocates her cleavage. Red hair squares her face, green eyes, and a peachy lipped muzzle, this is summertime.

"Watch where you're going you old bat!" She screeches as she adjusts her skirt and shirt, strapping her purse over her shoulder again.

This girl is not summertime, she is winter, a cold winter where everyone would want to hide inside, so they can't feel the effects of her raft. I'd want to cover her up with artificial heat, just to drown the cold hearted bitchness she vibes off.

"Do your own damn homework, you needy little tool. Arthur deserves so much better than that and you know it." I brush past her and get in my dinged up Tesla. Driving off, trying to get away from this place as quick as possible, but I can't escape, I've realized that many years ago.

I'm driving, but I have no idea where I'm going. My thoughts are eating away at my brain, I can't decipher between reality and my imagination, everything is blurred together.

Not wanting to crash, I pull over on the side of the road. Hands plaster on the steering wheel, my head sinks down under. Stepping out of the vehicle, I act like I'm looking at my tires, to clear my head.

Walking around the car, I don't plan to look stranded. Sometimes I wish I smoked, in need of a stress reliever. I find myself sitting on the hood of the car, watching the clouds rotate. The corn fields will soon be cropped, as they dry out, from lively green, to a brownish yellow.

Axel won't be coming home this afternoon. He's riding the bus home with Tanner, staying the weekend at his house. God, I'm going to miss him. I can't wait until Monday. A car drives by honking, uh people can be annoying some times...well, maybe most of the time.

As I'm about to get back in and just drive no where, a black Mercedes catches my eye. John. He slows to a stop behind the parked rental. The car turns off, taking his time to get out. Smoke rolls out the window. Smooth vanilla and cigars, John's scent.

"Ms. Jones, what a coincidence. Are you okay ma'am?" I force myself to meet him halfway. Only the reminder of Jason putting me further into oblivion.

"Yea I'm okay, thanks." For a second I forgot he was asking about the car trouble. But I'm not having any problems with the car. I pretended he was asking about Jason. If I'm okay that he's not here. That I'm okay he despises me and wants nothing to do with me.

"Well Jason was sending me your way to collect the vehicle. It needs to be returned on Sunday. If you could drive it to the dealership, I'll follow, and drop you home." There it is. The reality, sinking into my pores. We are over. When he sends John to do his work, that means he wants absolutely nothing to do with me.

The least he could do is break up with me in person. "Okay, sure."

The ride is silent, but comfortable. I roll my window down without permission. Though the silence is soothing, I'm quietly suffering. I need to feel something, anything, even if it's just the wind in my hair. "How's he doing?" I have to know. I don't care if he gives me one word, as long as it's true.

He stares out at the road, driving the speed limit. Hands on the wheel at two o'clock, he is perfect, safe. The normalcy feeling comes back, that I can trust him. "He's hanging in." Is all I get. Not pressing on, I let the problem slide away.

"Please John. Instead of taking me home, take me to him. Please." The breath he exhales says it all. There's no chance. No chance I'll see him today. No chance he'll listen, or let me explain. There's no chance he'll forgive me. "Just, just forget it. Thank you anyway." We continue the drive in silence.

John only follows orders. He wasn't ordered to bring Sydney back with him. Poor girl. Will he break the rules? Find out soon! Thank you for reading!

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