Chapter 6: I Hate Pancakes

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Eyes are crusted over with clumps of mascara. Whiffs of chocolate chips gather in the room. Axel's giggles are loudly invading the tranquility that was once apparent. Sitting up, I rub my eyes and try my hardest to keep them ajar. Looking at the wall, the clock reads 10:36 a.m.

Right away, I spring out of bed, still in the same outfit I wore yesterday. Glancing in the mirror, my hair is a curly mess, and my breath is vulgar. I try my best to straighten up.

Forcing my hair to obey by patting it down so it stays in place. I pull my shirt down to cover my stomach. Once finished, I shyly walk out of the bedroom. After opening the creaky door, into the hallway, voices lead the way.

"So, you like pancakes huh? Well here are two to start you out." Crackling and frying sounds come from the kitchen. I lean against the wall. Jason looks over at me. His creamy pink lips curve at the ends. This smile is different. It's not that cocky smile he puts on when it's just us. This smile is sincere, almost as if he cares.

Eyes that have specs of graphite around the iris don't match his skin. He's a soft olive tone, darker than usual probably, due to the summer sun. I soak him in, taking in his tentative mood as he talks to my son. If only Axel knew what it was like to have a father. I hope he doesn't think he's loved any less, because I can be both, emotionally anyway.

Axel's sitting on a stool at the breakfast bar. Granite counter tops lie beneath him. "Good morning, I made you pancakes. Oh, and there are two toothbrushes in the bathroom. I called and they delivered some supplies for the two of you."

Jason snaps me out of thought. Truthfully, I despise pancakes. They make me sick to my stomach every time I eat them. Not only is it rude to decline such a thoughtful offer, but I must admit, I'm really hungry.

"Oh wow, good morning. Thank you Jason, it smells divine. Axel did you tell Jason thank you?" Nodding as he shovels small triangular pancakes pieces into his mouth.

Jason puts two chocolate chip pancakes onto a plate and places it next to Axel. Gesturing for me to sit down and eat them, I follow through... "They look yummy. I can tell they are by the way Axel is scarfing them down."

"Mom, you don't even like pancakes." Ratting me out after gulping down half a glass of milk. The little runt sure knows how to get me in trouble. He's lucky I love him to death.

Jason looks surprised at this. "You don't like pancakes?" I nod my head no.

"Yea, she said she ate too many as a kid. That's all they had for breakfast every day." Okay so I grew up poor. We didn't have a lot of money.

That meant eating the same meals, whether it was leftovers or cheap food. Such as Mac and Cheese with hot dogs cut up. Monday we would have Mac and Cheese with corn mixed in. Tuesday, Mac and Cheese with peas and carrots together. Everyday it was something new. Fridays, my father acted as if it were a treat, Mac and Cheese with sausage.

Douglas never took us out to eat. He only brought food home from the food bank. Mom wasn't allowed to go grocery shopping. Dad put the money we did have towards fantasy baseball and sports that I didn't even enjoy playing.

"Yea mom, so why lie about it? You always tell me not to lie. Way to follow your own advice." I lightly slap him on the shoulder. We both laugh it off.

Jason then speaks up. "Axel, sometimes adults have to lie so we don't hurt people's feelings. If you're mom would've responded in a disgusting manner, it would have been rude. A little white lie now and then never hurts."

I laugh at that. Although it's true, I don't want Axel to get the idea that it's always okay to lie. Once you get caught lying, you just look pathetic. It's so much easier to rip the band aid off and tell the truth.

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