Super Kouhai (Nijimura x Reader)

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"Senpai~ should I get your towel?"

"Senpai~ have some lemons~"

"Senpai~ you must be thristy,here is a bottled water~"

"Senpai~ let's walk home together~"

"Senpai~ do you want chocolate?"

"Senpai~ I'll be cheering for your game~!"

"Senpai! Gomenasai~!"

"Senpai~ gambatte~!"

"Don't touch MY senpai! He's MY senpai so hands off!"


You were currently in the gym,watching Nijimura play until his last sweat.You were the ONLY ONE who is cheering for him.You had props with you,pom poms and a banner.

"YOU CAN DO IT,SENPAAAAAAAAAI~!!!"you cheered and clapped your hands.Well,you're the only audience who are watching there aside from the GOM.

You're still a first year just like the MiraGen.They were practicing a game against a random school.Akashi and Midorima finds you annoying.They can't focus properly.

"WOOOOOOOOOH~ SENPAI! YOU ARE THE BEST!!!"you shouted and clapped your hands and cheered louder.


The practice ended and you are happily approaching Nijimura,handing him a water bottle and a towel.

"Senpai~ you must be thirsty,here is a bottled water~"you smiled.He stared at you then get the water bottle and drank it.You watched him as he drank his water.

'That bottle lip is so lucky.'you pouted in your mind.'It gets a chance to touch senpai's lips.'

"Senpai~have some lemons~"you showed him a sliced lemons soaked in honey.The GOM dunked in and no one left for Nijimura.

"Hey! That is for senpai! >3<"you pouted."Senpai wouldn't eat something too sweet like this honey."

You were shocked because Nijimura get a straw and sipped the honey.Your nose were inches away and so you blushed.

After a few minutes,he finished the honey."It's good."he said and walked towards the locker room.

The GOM followed Nijimura.The GOM stepped in the showers while Nijimura is sitting on the benches,looking for a towel.

"Senpai~should I get your towel?"you suggested with a smiled.

"Oh,yes please."he said.You can feel the coldness in his voice but he is feeling insecure whenever you're around.

You smiled and get a towel from your bag."Please use this."you smiled and hand it to him.

He get the towel and used it to wipe his face.

'I can't believe this >w< senpai is actually using my towel! Kyaaaah >w<'you mentally fangirled.

"Here,"he said and handed you back your towel.You quickly stuffed it inside your bag and smiled.

Nijimura is next to step on the shower.You peeked inside just to get a glimpse of his shimmering six packed abs~ and his shining rock hard toned chest.

You blushed hard and hit your head on the wall."Ittai.."you winced and held your head.The GoM is looking down at you with their half-naked bodies.You gulped.Your eyes were glued to their magnificent architecture on their abdomen.(A/N:God,I'm blushing so hard here >\\\<)

"What?"they snapped and put on their shirts then one by one went out with their duffel bags and body bags.

You were left alone there with Nijimura in the shower and your heart goes rambling inside your rib cage and wants to jump out from your esophagus out from your mouth.Now that is exaggerated.

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