My Unrequited Feelings For You (Kagami x Reader x Kuroko)

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You were sitting on a swing with some red haired guy with split eyebrows.He is grinning at you while you smiled softly at him.

"When we grow up,I promise to take care of you! I'll be your groom in your wedding day!"he said.

"Let's fulfill our promise in the future."you clasped the locket that Taiga gave you.


'Hmm,I wonder what is he doing right now.'you thought to yourself.You were currently checking the list of basketball team.You were the manager,current bestfriend of Kuroko and Riko's assistant.

You were standing just near the benches when some familiar name caught your attention.

'He's here?!' You mentally gasped.'Where is that golden egg's face! Why hasn't he told me he arrived?! When?! He'll really be dead meat if I saw him'

" Kagami-kun present?"you asked,trying to hide the sound of your gritting teeth.

"He's actually on the court,with Kuroko-kun."she replied.You directed your gaze to the finger she's pointing.

Riko blowed her whistle,signaling the end of practice.The players rushed to the lockers while you went out to by some refreshments.You just happened to pass by the Maji burger.

You were surprised to see Kuroko and Kagami at Maji burger.Kuroko waved at you as Kagami choked himself from seeing you.

You entered the place and sat beside Kuroko."It's been a long time,Baka."

Kagami smiled at you."You two know each other?"Kuroko asked."That's nice."

You were deeply in love with Kagami yet he didn't took notice of your feelings.You felt unrequited,good thing Kuroko is there to comfort you every night.

'Has he forgotten about the promise?'you thought.

"When did you arrive? And why didn't you tell me?!"you smashed your hands on the table which made the pendant on your bracelet to dangle and make Kagami noticed it.

His eyes widened."Y-you're the one I made that....promise?"

"Who else? Geez,you're good at forgetting!"you whined,crossing your arms.

"I'm sorry,I had lost connections.But I'll make it up with you!"Kagami said as he gave you a wink.You slapped him at the back playfully.

"Kuroko,thanks for taking good care of (name)! She's special for me,good thing she became friends with you."Kagami shook your shoulders.

"Kuroko is better than you,Baka."you mumbled."At least he always reminds me to eat properly."

"You haven't been eating properly?! Since when?"

"Since you left without a word."the aura got down a bit so Kuroko stood up and ask if he can go to the restroom.


(Name)-San loves Kagami-kun so much.I met her at during at Teiko.She ran into me while I go relaxing underneath a tree,propping myself with a book.

I washed my face and stared at my reflection.'why am I not that attractive to make her notice me? is my presence really that down?'

To be honest,I like her for a long time.I haven't confessed to to her because she might ignore me or reject me and I just can't....

I sighed.'I hope Kagami-kun will soon notice her feelings,or else,I would be the reason for their break up.'

I am not the type to break someone else's relationship,but I cared for (name)-San that much.She's really disappointed when she knew Kagami-kun left her without a word and came back without a word also.

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