MINE (Yandere!Tatsuya x Reader)

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a/n: This is my first time writing a yandere character so please bear with me xD

You ran to Atsushi as you entered in the gym.You gave him a three boxes of maiubos.

You saw Himuro looking at the two of you,laughing happily laughing together.

You blushed when he smiled at you.You freakin' love Himuro more than anyone so you decided to confess to him.

You ran to him and his smile grew wider.

"A-ano,Himuro-san....I..."you stuttered.

"You better keep yourself calm,dear.We can talk after our practice,is that okay with you?"he put his hand over your hair and ruffled it which made you feel flustered.

"H-hai!"you smiled.

While they were practicing,you ate pocky that Atsushi gave you together with a money for his payment to your maiubos and a letter.

"Thanks.Buy some food if you can get home."it said.

'What's with the if?'you curiously asked yourself.


"(name)-chan! I'll walk you home!"Atsushi shouted lazily.

"I'm sorry,Atsushi.(name)-chan and I have something to do."Himuro grabbed your hand tightly.

You blushed and felt electricity through your arm.

But you notice his grasp is getting tighter,like squeezing your hand.

Everyone has left but you two.

"Himuro-san,what is it?"you asked.

"Nothing.Maybe I'm tired,(name)-chan."he said as he bent down to pick up his bag with his free hand.

"I'll walk you home,(n-a-m-e)-chan."he pronounced your name playfully.

Like calling your name when playing hide and seek with an evil clown.

Your brain shouted you to RUN.


You shook that feeling away and remembered your confession.

"Ah! Himuro-san!"you called

"What is it,(name)-chan?"he asked,looking straight into your soul.

"Um...Uh....I like you.I want to be with you forever."you said,eyes closed and head down low,waiting for rejection/conffirmation.

Himuro's eyes widen and grin viciously inside.

"Y-you really mean that?"he asked as his grin turned into a sickly ones.

Other words,rape face.

You nodded without looking at him.

You felt cold slender fingers raised your chin which made you shivered a bit.

"I like you too,(name)-chan."his rape face scared people except you,you see it as a sweetest smile he ever gave you.

You blushed and hugged him tightly.

"I want to show you something in my house....specifically in my room."he smiled and carresed your cheeks.

The thought of the room made you blushed.


You entered and put his bag on the floor and mimick him.

He headed to his room to change.

As you come to browse the house,you saw a picture of him Taiga beating Tatsuya in basketball when they were kids.

"I'm sure,he'll be a one hell of a good  player right now."you said.

"What? Who'll be a one hell of a good player?"he asked behind you which made you jumped,his chest touching your back and his arms wrapped around tightly to your waist.

This feeling...you felt something's wrong.

'Run! Run now!'

"Hmm? (name)-chan?"Himuro asked coldly as his arms tighten around you.


"Answer my question."he told you firmly,coldly and filled with anger.

"I-It's nothing,Himuro-kun.I think I need to go home now."you squirm to set free but you felt a pain impact on your shoulders,knowing that he had pinned you on the floor.

"You're not going anywhere,(name)-chan.You're mine and mine only."This time,you saw his rape face clearly.

You saw him flicked a pocket knife and slowly sliced your cheek.You closed your eyes,hugging the pain as you felt blood oozed out.

Your eyes shot open as you felt a wet and hot thing that glides your cut.

'So this is the meaning of that 'if' on the letter.'You thought.

"You tasted sweet."he smirked then kissed you.






"You love me,right,(name)-chan? You said you want to be with me forever.You said you mean those things."he said in between your kisses.

You felt the cold blade near your neck which made you gasped and gave chance to Himuro to slid his tongue in your mouth,exploring and owning every part.

You regret those words you spit.

"T-this is is not the Himuro that I know."You said,panting due to the short of breath.

"Hmm? Call me Tatsuya.If you don't,I'll show you something more painful."he furrowed his eyebrows and showed a dark face.

He raised your uniform,just at the level of breasts,and felt the cold blade wrote M-I-N-E on your stomach.

"Now no one will ever lay a finger on you.Not even Atsushi."he said and he dragged you to his room bridal style and handcuffed you on his bed.

A/N:I'm sorry it's my first time writing a Yandere one! >…< I think this is rated T(if you're reading on fanfiction.net) I'm not that violent you know? It's just a...hmm...inspiration.At first I hate violence like these because it's inhuman but I'm STARTING  to like it once I read more and develop new ideas!

Thanks for the reads and votes,your comments made my day :D

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