The Vampire Empress (Akashi x reader x Kise) [HALLOWEEN SPECIAL]

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A/N:Heeeeeelllooooooo//slapped I'm making a manga,I don't know where to post it xD So...I thought of surprising you and the readers so~ I hope you like this one O w O


Dedicated to @TheLonerQueen


News have been spreaded throughout your town about the murders of the townspeople who have found dead like they were sucked dry,had slit on their throats and most of all,twin bite marks on their necks.

"The bodies were found in an old apartment,which is it was believed that it is a place where this so-called 'Mad Vampires' lurk in."the reporter said in the radio.

"Eh? Vampires don't exist."you said as you started to prepare crosses,holy waters and garlics."If they don't exist then what am I doing?!"

You took a deep breath and look outside the window,admiring the sky full of scattering stars."I wonder how does it feel being outside..."you thought.

You are inside the attic,it is where you are sleeping right now.You are not allowed to go outside because of your aunt's strict rules.

You grew up inside that mansion when your parents are still alive.They died because of some reason and they protect you from the vigilantes so they put you here inside the attic.From that day on,your aunt is in charge in looking at you and decided rules on her own.She has daughters which is your cousins.Your aunt wants you to be away from them because the royalty in your blood is high.

They don't understand because your blood type is AB and your mother is type O while your father is type B.Your aunt claimed that you're just adopted so she doesn't consider you about being treated specially.She dressed you in rags,giving you leftover foods to make you ugly but because of your blood,it still make you look young no matter how they make you suffer.

You heard a scream down to the living room but you didn't care.You just thought they were just playing again or your aunt bought them new clothes.You sat there,continuing admiring the stars when the screams stopped.After a few minutes,the house fell in a dead silence.

You heard a thump from the roof and your door creaked open,revealing a tall man with a black cape.You can't see his face because it's dark in the room.You want to scream,but your mouth betrayed you.He walked closer to you,leaning on to your neck as he traces your neckline with his finger."My~ my~"he snarled and bared his fangs.He is staring at your blue throbbing veins,waiting to get ripped open and sucked dry.

"You have beautiful throat~"he leaned to your nape and licked it,and soon,he sunk his razor-sharp fangs deeply into your neck.He felt a kick in his taste buds when he tasted your thick,creamy,salty,butter-like blood as this hot liquid glides down his dry throat.He is addicted to the taste so he sucked more.Because of blood loss,your vision became blurred and lost consciousness.His eyes narrowed and glowed crimson red as he pulled away,licking his fangs and his lips.

"My~ my~ such a rare taste of your blood,ohime-sama~"he smirked and look at your pale face.

Akashi arrived.He is the head of the whole vampire clan."Ryouta,take her."Akashi said,hiding himself in his cape."Wakateru-ssu."Kise said,carrying you bridal style.There is still a blood smear on your neck which caught Akashi's attention.He leaned closed to your neck and cleaned the smear."Ryouta,don't be too rough next time."Akashi warned him."Eh? I got addicted to (name)'s blood.Just like a drug."Kise licked his lips sexily.Akashi shook his head and licked your wounds,making them close.

"Just be gentle."Akashi said."Or I'll chop your head off and filled your body with garlic and throw your body in the stream."Akashi's eyes narrowed to warn him.Kise shivered a little which made him chuckle."Alright,alright-ssu~!"he shook his head while smiling and the three of you disappeared.

Kuroko no Basuke X Reader [ONE-SHOTS]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora