REBOUND ( Haizaki x Reader x Kise )

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(A/N: Helloooo xD It's been a while xD This is the part two ^^ I know it's so long,I didn't noticed this is 206k reads! O A O Thanks you so much for the readers who read this and for those who are patiently waiting for my update TT w TT )
You were with your boyfriend,Haizaki,cuddling up to each other in the bed as you both watch a movie.

His hands over the head board as he lets you snuggle close to his chest."Shogo,show some enthusiasm there."you chuckled nervously.

It's been 3 months since both of you going out yet the longer you were together,the less interested he became to you.

"Hmm.(name),seriously,we watched this over and over already."he complained.

"But it is so romantic that I want you to be like that."you pouted.

"(name),"he said and pecks your lips."I am romantic in my own way."he smirks.

You can't react to that because you know him too well.

"Hmm yeah.You didn't win in the game last time,you're still my heart's best player."you smiled.

He didn't smiled nor respond.Instead,he stand up."Where are you going?"you asked.

"Outside.It's getting boring here.Wanna come?"he asked,putting on his coat and shoes at the same time.

"Sure!"you jumped from his bed and get your sweater and goes out with him.

Both of you take a stroll in the park.His pace is so fast that you barely keep up.

"Shogo,slow down a little bit."you called but he doesn't listen.You started to feel uneasy.

'Is he still interested?'

you decided to stop,to test if he really cares.You watch his back disappear in the crowd of people.

You feel a sharp pain on your chest.You stand there alone.Haizaki noticed it's not noisy anymore and feel like no one is following him.

He turn around to see no sight of you."Well sh*t..."he mutters under his breath and decided to look for you.

You were currently staying by the alley,avoiding people."Hey,look,a chic."three guys crowded over you.

"Do I look like a chic to you?"you snapped.

"Ooh we love aggressive girls you know."the one in the middle smirked.

"Oh yeah? Who told you I'm the aggressive ones?"you glared.

"Man,she is too cocky.I might just want her more."the other guy attempted to touch you but a hand stopped him.

You were expecting it's Shogo,but it's Kise who you saw.

"Let go of her."he said in a dangerous tone.

You were surprised either.The other guys clicked their tongues.

"And who you might be?"

"That doesn't matter-ssu.Just leave at this once."he glared as he grabbed your hand.

"Kise-kun,what are you doing here?"you asked.

"Tsk."the three guys leave you alone.

"I should take that back to you-ssu~!"he smiled.

"Well,no reasons.Out for a stroll with Shogo."you said."But I lost him."

"Taking a stroll? But why are you here alone?"he asked.

"Well...I feel like testing him to see if he will still care if I'm gone."you said, looking down to your feet.

"Why don't you try calling him?"he asked.

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