It's always the same

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"I give, you take, you always push me away, I love, you hate, it's always, always the same" - From Ashes to New, "Crazy"

      Every day we wake up and go to school. We learn stuff that we most likely will never use or remember. What they teach us isn't important, at least that's what us kids think. 

      School teaches us that we need to be a certain way. Act like this type of person. Look like this type of person. BE this type of person. Most of us wake up with an assumption that we need to be someone else. Like we can't be ourselves. 

      We need to dress half naked. We need to wear makeup. We need to be skinny. We need to have long pretty hair that's a certain color. We have to have heart-stopping eyes. We have to look our best every day in order to get noticed. 

      Ladies, I'm here to tell you all of those things are who models are. They think they need to be a certain way and they think they inspire kids to look good and act like everything is the best thing in the world. Models pose on a magazine and feed you bullshit so then your life will be based on that magazine. That is some bullshit. 

      I see it every day. Girls and a few guys walk around with magazines showing their friends the next idea they are going to try to help them lose weight because they think they are too fat. Guess what none f us are fat. Now of us are skinny. We are all the perfect size. There is no weight that we have to be. We can weigh however much we want. 

      We have the power to turn this world on its side. We decide who we want to be and what we want to look like. I want to dye my hair blue. Everyone's telling me no. I'm telling myself yes. That's reversible. I can change it. People want to go to the gym, go ahead but do it healthily. Some people want t to sit on the couch every day, good but make a living and remember to exercise. 

      I guess what I'm trying to say is listen to yourself and stop caring about what other people think because at the end of the day everyone has an opinion and it's your choice to listen or ignore it. I don't know about you, but I'm ignoring everybody else's opinion and focusing on mine. I'M DYING MY HAIR BLUE BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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