What I've Been Doing

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"I said I'd catch you if you fall, And if they laugh then fuck 'em all" -Halsey, "Without Me"

      Lately, I've been writing music. I take the feelings I have and turn them into words. Then I take them and put them in an order that tells a story. I release them in my random thoughts series. Some of them are good most of them are bad. My friends think they are really good. Maybe you guys have some of these feelings too. Maybe you haven't found a way to sum it up. Maybe these songs I write will tell you how to sum up your feelings. Every song tells a different story. Whether I'm sad, happy, emotional. It doesn't matter. I write songs to help myself tell my story and I release them to help others. 

      That's what I've been doing. I've also been looking at the reads I get on this series. I am ecstatic with the number of reads I've gotten. As I type this now, I have about 410 reads on this series. Maybe we'll get more, maybe it'll stay the same. I don't care 410 is a lot of people and I'm proud of myself and you guys for getting this far. I never thought anyone would listen to what I have to say. Now I know there are people out there who want to feel like they have a voice. They listen to me go on and on about things that I have opinions on or just need to scream about. Maybe more of you will use your voices because what you have to say is important. 

      From now on, if you have something to say, say it. Don't keep your words and feelings inside, let them out and share how you are feeling. Everyone deserves to say what they want. It's one of our Civil Rights. Our Civil Rights were made for a reason and we should take advantage of them, or else people fought long and hard for nothing. People fought for us to have these rights when they didn't have them for themselves. If we don't use what we are handed then people wasted their lives for people to be given opportunities that we just give up. Don't make those people have fought for anything. 

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