Chapter 15

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Tristan opened his mouth to speak and Eve covered it with her hand and shook her head as she realized Chris wasn't alone. Tom was with him, which meant Jay wasn't far behind. Tristan looked at her questioningly and she mouthed “later” to him as she moved him away from the door to open it. She pulled it open quickly and slipped out before closing it so no one could see Tristan inside. Jay wasn't in sight but she could pick up his scent. By the look on Tom's face, he was distracted enough not to question who she was with. Looking at Chris' grim expression, she could tell there was something else she didn't know about. “What's wrong?”

            “What isn't wrong lately?” Tom said bitterly. Eve ignored him and stared straight at Chris who looked at her wordlessly before darting his eyes to the door behind her briefly.

            “Carlos, Jose and Jasmine,” he said flatly, obviously trying to keep his tone low so Tristan couldn't hear.

            “Are they...?” Eve trailed off, feeling ice down her back. Please not Carlos and Jose, she begged herself. I've lost enough friends. Please.

            “They're fine,” Tom answered. “Jasmine and Jose were tranquilized but Carlos got rid of the Hunters.”

            “They're at home with Ian,” Chris said. “They're going to stay there until we can figure out what's going on.”

            Eve sighed in relief and Chris shifted his eyes from her to the door and over to Tom; a clear message that they should go. Eve angled herself towards Tom, ready to move away. “What about...Travis?” she asked, trying not to see his mutilated body in her mind.

            “Adrian, Cole and Jay took him back,” Tom said gently. “We'll have a remembrance celebration for him, Claire and Jennifer when this is all over. Right now, we have to focus on putting an end to this.”

            “Jennifer?” Eve repeated, noticing the new information.

            “Elder Hal found her in his backyard an hour ago,” Chris said. “Her family is in mourning right now. But Elder Hal and the others want this done.”

            “But our only lead got away,” Eve said, half defeated and half enraged. The odds were stacking up against them and she didn't like it. Chris was that much closer to being hurt and she couldn't let that happen. She couldn't lose another family member.

            “It's not our only lead,” Tom said quickly. “Carlos and Jose got close enough that they caught the scents. We're going back to your house now to go over everything with them.”

            “Sounds good to me,” Eve said, following as he and Chris walked away. She heard the door opening behind her as she walked into the crowd but didn't look back, no matter how bad she wanted to.

*          *          *          *          *

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