Chapter 2

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**Another dedication and amazing cover to the side by feelingsuperior. Love it, thank you!!**


One Week Later

            As Chris predicted, a week had passed and Jay still had a faint scar from his bite on his neck. It was clear he had tried to cover it as much as he could with his curly hair but it wasn't enough. To hide the mark completely, Jay wore button up shirts with the collars up. He didn't bother Eve again but she knew it was only a matter of time before he would; it always was. In the meantime, he lusted after her from a distance which often resulted in a glare or growl from Chris and Ian. Eve's biggest escape from Jay's molesting gaze came with the start of the new school year.

            The first day back to school, Eve and Chris walked down the hall with their friends Mia, Carlos, Travis, Jose, Lindy and Clair. Out of habit, they moved in a pack which made everyone around them cast glances their way. Rather than call the other students out on their staring, the bunch kept walking and gave the occasional smile. Eve didn't mind the attention but at the same time she didn't seem to thrive in it the way Travis and Jose did. They moved down the hall, calling out greetings and flirting with girls as they passed. Eve and Mia exchanged a look and laughed as they stopped at their lockers. Eve opened her locker and taped up her pictures; one of her parents, her and Ian, another of her and Ian, and the last of her, Ian, Chris, Mia and Lindy. As she was finishing, she felt that almost gravitational pull again telling her to turn around. Looking over her shoulder, she caught sight of Tristan and felt compelled to just stare at him. She hadn't really noticed him much before last week but now that she did she felt curious of him. His hair was styles to stand on end, his white long sleeved shirt fitting him in a way that showed he was lean. He walked with an air of confidence and comfortability that seemed to project a personality of someone who was generally easy to get along with. Eve was still watching him as he stopped in front of a group of people to talk, leaning against the lockers as he took off his sunglasses.

            Walking down the hall, Tristan had felt the same unexplainable feeling his had in the park a week ago. Since he couldn't figure out what it was about, he chose to ignore it. Except, with every step he made towards his friends the feeling got stronger and stronger, almost willing him to turn back. Finally reaching his friends, he greeted them and leaned against the lockers as he removed his sunglasses. Immediately, without consciously deciding to,  Tristan looked across the hall meeting the bluest eyes he'd ever seen. Eve was surprised by Tristan meeting her gaze but neither one of them looked away. They both felt the need to smile and talk to each other, but before either one of them could the school bell rang and Lindy nudged Eve. “Hey are you okay?” Lindy asked.

            Eve pulled her eyes away from Tristan to look at her friend. “Yeah, I'm fine,” Eve said.

            “Good because we have to go,” Lindy said. “It's the first day, we don't want to be late for homeroom.”

            “Right,” Eve said, shaking her head. She wasn't sure, but she felt like Tristan's eyes were still on her. “Let's go.” She closed her locker and pointedly looked forward as she and Lindy walked down the hall to their class. Tristan watched for a few seconds before realizing he had a class too.

*          *          *          *          *

            The first few hours of school seemed to blur as Tristan and Eve both thought about each other. Eve was further intrigued by this pull she felt towards him and Tristan was thinking of how her blue eyes stared at him familiarly. He wasn't sure if it was because he'd seen her last year or not, but he could swear her eyes reminded him of something but he didn't know what. The next time they saw each other again was during fourth period PE. The second Tristan stepped out of the locker room, Eve spotted him from across the gym. The same feeling from before passed through them both and while Tristan didn't find Eve as easily he knew that she was somewhere in the gym.

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