Chapter 14

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“You ready to go in there?” Chris asked Eve as they stood a few feet from the already formed club line.

            “As ready as I can be considering I have no choice in me going in there,” Eve replied bitterly.

            “You always have a choice,” Chris said. “If you don't want to go in there you let me know right now and you won't have to. I can go in there by myself and tell Tom you were there if he asks, which I doubt he will.”

            “I can't let you go in there by yourself,” Eve said with a shake of her head.

            “I'll be fine,” Chris responded. “It's a public place. I don't see anyone trying to kill me with so many witnesses.”

            “Then at least have Mia with you,” Eve said.

            “No,” Chris said quickly. “I don't want Mia anywhere near this place until we get rid of whoever is targeting our pack.”

            “You can't have it both ways Chris,” Eve said. “Either you think its safe enough a place for you to be alone or its too dangerous for you to even consider Mia going with you. Whichever it is, you aren't going in there alone.”

            “Why can't it be somewhere in the middle?” Chris suggested.

            “Because the middle is too close to danger for my comfort,” Eve answered. “And since you don't want Mia anywhere near this place, and Tom wants me here, I am your only option. I'll find a way to deal with being around Tristan. I'm not leaving you when you need me.”

            “Okay,” Chris nodded. “In that case, I'm proud to have you as my second.”

            Chris smiled at her as she smiled back. “And I'm proud to be that,” she replied. “But can we stay away from the bar unless absolutely necessary?”

            “You got it,” Chris said. By the time they got to the front of the line and inside the club, there was already a pretty decent crowd. Eve didn't feel the pull she usually did when Tristan was around and she sighed in relief, hoping that Nick had possibly given him the night off. The scent they were looking for before still remained but there wasn't anything fresh for them to follow. After five minutes of standing off to the side, trying to find anything, Chris turned to Eve. “We're going to have to dance or something, otherwise we'll draw the attention of security. That wouldn't be very helpful.”

            “Right,” Eve nodded following Chris on to the dance floor.

            “Can I ask you something?” Chris said as they started dancing.


            “Why are you letting Jay's threat get to you?” he asked.

            “Who says I am?” Eve evaded.

            “You're suddenly trying to avoid Tristan again after finally giving him a shot,” Chris said. “It's getting to you.”

            Eve sighed, hating that he was right. “It's not like I want it to,” she said. “It's just that what he says is true. My relationship with Tristan is against pack laws and you and Ian knowing about it but not saying anything is almost as bad. All he has to do is tell Tom and then you two are dead with Tristan not far behind you I'm sure. I couldn't live with that on my conscious.”

            “Then I guess you die too,” Chris said with a shrug and Eve stopped dancing to stare at him, open mouthed. Chris shook his head at her, trying not to laugh. “I was kidding Eve.”

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