Chapter 4

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Two Years Later- Present Day

            Later after the killing of the Alpha and Beta, half of the pack decided to leave. Many thought that Chris had the right idea about finding the ones responsible and killing them, while others thought it would be better to remain hidden and draw no more attention to them. The loss of both their Alpha and Beta was hard on the pack on it's own without them raging a war of revenge against unknown enemies. Tom assured the pack that the kills were only isolated incidents; cases of being in the wrong place at the wrong time. But for days after, there were murmurs of the opposite and a possible splitting of the pack. Finally, Tom called a meeting and declared to them that either they were to follow his decision not to attack or they were to leave the territory on their own. Without Chris to back their decision to attack, they decided to leave the territory for one safer. In an attempt to leave her pain behind, Eve left with those wolves but only lasted a few days before finding her way back to her friends. Somehow the distance from Tristan was even worse than being near him.

            Two years had gone by, painfully slow for Eve, and not once did she make an effort to contact Tristan. She was sure it would cause nothing but problems and she didn't want any more attention brought to her from the Alpha family. Tom and Jay were the only ones left in the pack from their family, their mom having left with the others, and Jay pursued her now more than before. He tried to guilt trip her with his father being killed trying to protect the pack and ultimately to protect her. But just as before, she turned him down. Unlike when he told his father, when Jay told Tom he didn't seem to care. He didn't tell Jay to back off and move on like she would have hoped for, but he did tell Jay to give her a little space. He told him if he gave her some space then she would realize that she really wanted him. Unfortunately for Jay, that wasn't the case.

            Every night Eve dreamed of being with Tristan. Of how their life could have been had they both been wolves or humans; even of Eve being born into a pack where relationships with humans were accepted. And more often than not Eve dreamed of running away with Tristan, both of them wolves running unseen through the trees. On those nights, Eve would wake up in Tristan's backyard or the trees outside of his house in either her human or wolf form. When she did, she rushed back home and locked herself in her room hoping that no one had seen her. For Eve, the most tragic thing that could happen was someone finding out about Tristan and using him against.

*          *          *          *          *

            Eve laid back in her bed, talking on the phone with Lindy as she waited for Chris to finish getting ready to leave. Jose had heard about a new club in town and demanded that they all go that weekend. “No one knows how to do clubbing like us wolves,” he had said confidently. “And to make it better, I can show them the latin wolf moves. They won't know what hit them.” The group of friends just shook their heads at his words, but in the end decided they needed some fun.

            “So how pissed would you be if Jay went tonight?” Lindy asked Eve over the phone. “Like on a scale of one to ten; ten being extremely pissed of course.”

            “A million,” Eve said. “Why are you asking? Do you know something I don't?”

            “Well, you know how he lives next door, right?”

            “Yes Lindy, I've only known that for like our entire lives,” Eve said sarcastically. “Stop stalling and get to the point. What do you know?”

            “Jay told Tom that Travis told him about the new club,” she responded quickly. “He claimed Travis invited him, Adrian and Cole.”

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