Chapter Six: Teenage Angst

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Dave picked at his chips with his fork, not really feeling hungry. Once again, it had been more than a week since he had last spoken to Nick, and he found that he, in a very odd way, missed him.

They'd had a good thing going, he thought. The fighting, the sparring, it had been his favourite pastime. It had given him something to look forward to. Lately, he just felt apathetic and sort of irritated all the time. Why did Nick have to go and ruin everything by talking about being friends, and then going around avoiding him?

He looked up from his plate and scanned the cafeteria. He could see Nick over in a corner, reading a book, his food forgotten. He looked just as he always did, tie slightly loose and shirt sticking out from under his green school jumper, concentrating deeply on his novel. Every once in a while he shifted in his seat, or chewed his lip. Then he would look up, glance around absent-mindedly, and return to the novel. Every time he looked up, Dave resolutely looked away.

This silence had gone on for long enough, Dave decided, and stood up.

'Oi, Davis!' he said as he approached the other boy, putting on his best smirk. 'You have been all quiet for days! What's the matter?'

Nick looked up at him. 'Stop talking to me,' he said shortly.

'What's your problem?' asked Dave, a bit taken aback.

'You are my fucking problem!' replied Nick, hotly. 'You and your fucking attitude! Well guess what? I'm not buying it!'

Dave felt genuinely puzzled. 'Buying what, exactly?'

'You think that you can do whatever you want, just cause you're good looking and popular, like nothing can touch you! Well, it can. You're bloody well mortal like the rest of us!' He stood up and rushed from the room, leaving his tray behind.

Dave frowned. What was he on about all of a sudden? With an annoyed huff, Dave abandoned the cafeteria as well. Out in the corridor, he saw Nick disappear around a corner. Dave turned towards the exit and saw Matt trotting towards him.

'Oh, good!' said Matt. 'I was looking for you. Your bike's missing!'

'What?' Dave stared at him for a moment. Then the pieces began to fall into place. 'Davis!' he growled. It had to be! That was why he had blown up like that. 'Cheers, mate,' he told Matt, and then he turned around and headed off in the direction Nick had gone.

* * *

Nick stared at his reflection. Then he closed his eyes and sighed, backing away into the wall next to the urinal. He regretted getting so emotional. He just couldn't be near Dave right now. It was becoming unbearable, and no matter how hard he tried he just couldn't stop thinking about him. Whenever the other boy spoke to him he wanted to kiss him to shut him up, but that wasn't really an option.

So he had tried just avoiding him again, but Dave, predictably enough, would have none of that, it seemed. Maybe he would just move to his dad in Plymouth and never have to speak to Dave Thompson again. Or just quit school. Who needed GCSEs, anyway?

Right then the door flew open and Nick jumped. Dave grabbed him by the collar and shoved him up against one of the stalls. 'Where is it?' he growled through gritted teeth.

Nick found himself, once again, staring into those unfathomable blue eyes, and his knees weakened. This was the closest they'd ever been, their full bodies almost touching. He could breathe in Dave's scent, feel his heat. The two were so close their hips brushed together and Nick fought the animal reaction threatening to surface with all his might. If he moved two inches closer he could kiss him. He was fully aware of how fucked up it was to be turned on by the situation he was in, but found himself not caring very much.

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