Chapter Eighteen: Speak In Tongues

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Having Matt for an ally proved to have its benefits. He helped make distractions so they could slip away, provided alibis to Dave's friends and, on the few occasions the three of them found themselves alone in one place, gave encouragement and moral support. One day, he even got Dave out of football practice so he could sneak off and spend the afternoon at Nick's house instead.

Dave was already there when Nick got home. Nick had been held up by bullies on the way home again, but having escaped unharmed decided against telling Dave about it. This would be the first time they would have more than half an hour to spend together since Easter, and Nick didn't want to waste any more time on those worthless bastards.

He found Dave in the sitting room with Zoë, having a soft drink and talking.

'So coach thinks I'm sick and my father thinks I'm at football practice. No idea what we'd do without Matt, really,' Dave was saying.

Nick made his presence known with a greeting and plopped down on the sofa next to Dave, snatching his glass out of his hand and taking a sip of his drink.

Zoë shook her head. 'I probably shouldn't tell you what I'm thinking. He isyour dad.'

Dave scoffed. 'He is notmy dad. Dads love their kids and look out for them. He's an unfortunate biological relative. I'm just a disappointment to him.'

'Still.' Zoë had a pained expression on her face. 'I mean, I know all about shitty dads, believe me, but I think even our dad loved us at some point, even if he doesn't seem to give two shits now. At least yours cares whether you live or die, yeah?'

Dave shrugged, taking his glass back from Nick and draining it.

'Shall we go upstairs?' Nick asked.

'Yes, I suppose you two would rather be alone,' said Zoë, standing up. 'I've got some work to do, anyway. There's been a massive cock-up in archiving.' She picked up the empty glasses and smiled down at them. 'Don't do anything I wouldn't do.'

Nick took Dave's hand and hauled him out of the couch, and then they made their way up to his bedroom.

Once inside, they shut the door behind them and were on each other in seconds, lips crashing together, hands reaching to touch as many parts of each other's bodies as possible. Nick came up for air for long enough to turn on some music before they fell into bed, attached at the lips once more.

Pulling away slightly, Dave pulled his own green school jumper over his head before getting to work on removing Nick's, but Nick grabbed him by the now loose tie and pulled him down on top of him into another smothering kiss.

'God,' he whispered between kisses, 'you have no idea how much I want to do this every single time I see you.'

'No, I do,' said Dave, breathlessly. 'I really, really do.' He kissed Nick again. 'Now hold still so I can get your clothes off!' he growled, and Nick giggled.

Dave pulled Nick's jumper off him, before loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt to reveal his chest. He caressed the pale skin with his fingertips and Nick threw his head back, his eyes fluttering shut, and released a moan. The feel of Dave's hands on his skin was intoxicating.

Dave kissed a trail down Nick's chest and stomach and didn't hesitate for a moment when he reached the waistband of Nick's trousers, unzipping them and pulling off both trousers and pants in a single move, before going down on him. It felt amazing, but then he wedged a hand in under Nick's bum and squeezed, and suddenly Nick knew exactly what he wanted. 'Dave!' he gasped. 'Wait, stop . . .'

Dave stopped immediately, sitting up. 'Am I doing it wrong?' he asked nervously, and Nick smiled.

'No, you're not doing anything wrong, I just . . .' He fidgeted a bit. 'I was thinking and . . . Do you . . . I mean, do you want to go all the way? Like, you know, fuck?' It came out very quickly and he felt himself blush as he said it. He'd wanted this for months, so why was it so hard to say it?

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