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"So he fucked up royally," Piper concludes, popping another piece of popcorn into her mouth with an amused grin

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"So he fucked up royally," Piper concludes, popping another piece of popcorn into her mouth with an amused grin. "I'll remember to tell him to shut his mouth tomorrow."

For the past three days I've been hiding out at Taylor's place and avoiding all contact with Rhys. Once he released me from Lachlan's room it was quite obvious I was furious and he didn't even stop me from leaving - even though he did follow me. But in those days he hasn't braved coming to the door.

Instead he's been bugging Piper to check on me and finally she caved, which lead to her getting the rest of the story and decided to keep me company until Taylor gets home from work. "So I'm not taking things too far?"

"Hell no," she chews, flexing her toes which are still wet with black paint. I shift my weight when I continue to cover up the cracked polish on my fingernails. "Personally, I'd make him sweat for a week for something like that. Then make him do something he wouldn't want to as an apology - like shave his eyebrows or legs . . . oh god that'd be hilarious."

 Piper cackles at the image and my lips quirk slightly. "More like wax, it would hurt more."

"Ouch, that's cold . . . but don't make it easy for him otherwise he'll think it's okay to treat you like a child on timeout - which is what he's doing," She rolls her eyes, gathering a handful of popcorn. "Men are idiots."

 "Have you ever . . . dated one?" I cringe at the awkward wording but she doesn't seem phased by it. "I'm pretty sure Rhys said you were lesbian but I wasn't sure if-"

 "Went there. Did that. Wasn't impressed," I try to speak but she just grins slowly. "I'm kidding - mostly. I did date a few guys but nothing really sparked any emotions . . . the first one told me he loved me and I said that's good then dumped him the next day . . . harsh, but I didn't feel anything but friendly love for the dude."

 "But it was different with women?"

 "With women it didn't make me cringe when emotions or sex was involved. It felt right," She explains and I nod slowly which causes her to chuckle. "You get awkward whenever sex is mentioned, like you retreat into your shell more." 

I furrow my eyebrows. "I just don't openly talk about it." 

"It's a natural part of life and honestly your boyfriend doesn't share the same sentiment." 

"What," I feel my jaw clench and the undesirable dread whirl in my gut. We haven't had sex so who is he talking about? I barely grit out my next words. "He talks to you about it?"

 "He mentions that he has a hard time controlling himself because he doesn't want to be pushy or assertive with it," She rolls her eyes, tsking her disapproval. "Like he's going to scare you away, the idiot."

I relax slightly, regretting the thoughts of questioning his loyalty. "We've only really made out . . . and anything more I've instigated."

 "This is something you two need to talk about," Piper confirms and throws a piece of popcorn at me. "Or just tell him to take charge . . . once you've gotten over this fight of course. You don't reward the idiot with sex. " 

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