Chapter 13 - Restriction

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Chapter 13

I guess I’m officially whore status now or something.

This is such a pain in the ass, and to be honest I wouldn’t know because I have never bottomed before. But if this keeps on continuing on without me picking soon, conflicts will just arise from this. Two different guys that lie on the opposite ends of the spectrum.

We were just sitting in front of our assigned computers during our first class to edit photos that we have taken these last few weeks. To be honest, I was just flicking the mouse everywhere, bothered by the scenario I’m going through. Then there’s Jean, actively using the computer… to tweet.

She noticed my blank expression and said, “Hey, you haven’t been hanging out with us lately. I’ve heard from Alex that two guys have their anacondas tailing you.”

I shifted and looked at her. “Well… Yeah, but that doesn’t really matter right now.”

She pouted. “This does matter! At least, this will help you move on from your ex, or don’t tell me that you still have feelings for that douche bag?”

“I’m no better, right? I’m seeing two guys. Maybe it’s true that you actually get a certain characteristic from your ex and of all of the traits in the world, being a man-whore is what I got.”

She patted my back, “No. There are just times that you would have to choose between two things. It would be wrong if you would make them wait really long. So, don’t rush it. It will come eventually.”

That was really cliché, but sweet. I just smiled at her and said, “Thanks.”

I went back to flicking my mouse everywhere and then realized that what she said was true. I’ve been too preoccupied by my problem that I haven’t hanged out with Jean and the others for quite a while.

“So Jean, how’s life treating you?”

I noticed how she clenched her fists slightly, then it immediately relaxed.

“It’s good. Everything could be better, but otherwise I’m fine.” She said with a smile that I know was fake. I just raised my eyebrows at her.

“You know what? I think it’s a good idea for us to go out later after school.”

“Don’t you have choir or something?” She asked

That’s true. It didn’t occur to me because I couldn’t care less about it right now. That solo part I didn’t get hasn’t bothered me for quite a while, so I chose not to actually give a damn.

“No, it’s all good.” I said and chuckled. “It’s not always, right?”

She nodded and went back to work. Obviously, there has to be a problem. I don’t think that she would have a problem with Alex or Jordan. Hmm…

I didn’t notice how long I’ve been staring at the monitor, the bell suddenly rang. My body flinched and grabbed my bag. That bell was going to give me a heart attack.

Before I left, Jean seemed like she was in a hurry and said, “Have fun with Justin!” She winks at me and hastily ran out the door.

Have fun with Justin

God, that letter still bothered me even though Russell and I already talked…

And kissed…

I massaged my temples and headed straight to class. While I was trying to fasten my pace, someone suddenly walked beside me.

“If I see you this early, you might actually make me a morning person, you know?” Russell said.

I felt my face blushing again. Why did he have to be so sweet?

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